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Ponydora Prancypants

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Three's A Dangerous Crowd ... · 5:25pm Jan 25th, 2014

Great episode today, and the best part is that someone already wrote an adaptation!

Several years ago.

Report Ponydora Prancypants · 1,379 views ·
Comments ( 28 )

Jetfire woke up on February 30th one day, and then learned he could travel time. Thus, that fic (which I have never read!).

Hey, just noticed something. You have 1,111 followers (at the moment). All ones! :pinkiegasp:

AND 111 blog posts (at the moment). :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

When they mentioned going to the far ends of Equestria to get a flower, my first thought was 'Better watch out for world snakes'

....Then there actually was a giant snake.

I think Jetfire gets closer than Absolute Anonymous did with Pinkie Pie Watches Paint Dry for 'Craziest idea that actually made it into the show'

Especially since this one feels just a little toooo close to be pure coincidence!

:pinkiegasp: How did I not see that?
I'm just geeking out over here, excuse me.

If this were the Shire, it would be an odd year.

I don't buy into conspiracies. Until I see actual proof, I'm saying that it's all a coincidence.

1757103 Of course it's a coincidence. It's just an amusing coincidence.


A thousand and eleventy-one followers! Huzzah! I shall have to throw a Party.

1757043 It almost seems that way doesn't it?

Although, as a number of EQD commenters have proven, the flower guarded by dragon idea isn't all that uncommon in fiction.


I'm not actually suggesting a conspiracy, heh. Dangerous Business mostly is a scene for scene (sometimes word for word) ponification of various parts of The Lord of the Rings, but I've never actually scene the flower/snake thing anywhere else. Just out of curiosity, because I am not likely to dig through comments on EQD, where else does that bit show up?

For the flower/worm combo specifically someone mentioned Men in Black 2.

As for giant snake/worm/dragons people mentioned: Tremors, Dune, Legend of Zelda: Windwalker and Magic the Gathering.

But hey I'm right there with you - travel to the end of Equestria to get a flower for a sick friend? Its guarded by a giant snake? Dangerous Business was my first thought too.

The first thing that comes to mind is Ladon, the giant snake, who guarded the Golden Apple tree. It's from Greek mythology.

Not exactly the same, but pretty close.


Brilliant myth-sleuthing! That's certainly a close concept. :twilightsmile:


Ooh, I've got another one:

The Rod of Asclepius is the most famous symbol of healing and medicine; a serpent twined around a stick. So now we have a specific association of healing, snakes, and plant life.


I was also reminded about that fic when I saw the episode. Then I realized just how long ago that fic was completed.

Legends say that the snake is still prowling around to this day looking for its stolen flower.

In an unrelated note, this episode further advances canon Rarijack as the one true mane 6 pairing.


I don't know about scene for scene, per se - though there's no question that the one country is Rohan & the other is Lothlorien complete with Galadriel.

But like, Firefly & the really fast things, I don't recall any LotR analogue for them!

I've actually never read that one. Man, there's so much fanfic out there...

But, yes, very much enjoyed. Man, I am digging S4 pretty hard.


Yes, 'ponies travel across Equestria and climb a mountain to pick a magical purple flower that only grows on top of the mountain to brew a potion to cure an illness and are subsequently attacked by a giant snake monster guarding the flower' is totally just a coincidence.


1759717 Not that. The 1111/111 thing. :ajbemused:


That pic mainly looks like Applejack is suffering from halitosis. :ajsmug:


Heh. You and me both. This one was pretty neat. Cadance's remark about not being a strong flyer (or being rusty, at least) makes me want to finish that story.


I did say "mostly." But really, the story ticks a lot of LOTR boxes. The deer queen even does a riff on Galadriel's mirror speech. :twilightsheepish:

I would obviously be delighted were you to do so, though I recognize you have a lot of active stories on your mental range top.


Yep, there was no question the Deer Queen was 100% Galadriel :derpyderp1:

As a final follow-up to possible fanon bleed into the canon: as indicated I have no real knowledge of "Dangerous Business," so I can't comment, but am I absolutely alone in thinking that there is a non-zero chance that at 15:09 we see a guest appearance by the Cartographer's Cap?


That's good! Assuming for the sake of fun that you've found a fan reference there, I wonder if there are still others elsewhere in the episode?

And so you're not forever in the dark of the fanfic I'm referencing, it's a straightforward adventure story heavily cribbed (but in a very inoffensive and often creative way) from Tolkein. The prose is certainly not going to delight anyone who loves stringing words together inventively (by which I mean it is still a great deal better written than 90% of fanfiction), but it's a fun yarn. In short, Twilight Sparkle falls ill with horn-rot, and the only cure is a purple flower with a yellow center (that is only potent at a certain time in its life cycle) growing on a hill far, far away, beyond the borders of Equestria. Logically, Rainbow Dash or some Wonderbolts should have just flown there and picked it up, but for the sake of adventuring through the lands of various elf and warrior-culture pony analogues, Rarity and Applejack tag along with Dash. When they finally reach the purple flower, the hill upon which it is growing erupts and out comes a "world snake," which proceeds to attack our heroes. The three ponies fight it off until a newly-restored and powered-up Twilight zaps in and saves them.

Dunno! I haven't noticed anything specific in the storm of other pop-culture references that episode contained. I still am of the private opinion that it might be reaching to assume any of this at all, but it's always fun to pretend, especially since the staff clearly know the fandom megatrends at least.

In any case, thanks for the Cliff's Notes version!

Dear me, thank you so much Ponydora for linking to that fic! I concur, VERY heavily cribbed from LotR but a delightfully fun read all the same and a great way to spend a sickly afternoon.

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