• Member Since 7th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 23rd, 2018

Paleo Prints

More Blog Posts100

  • 544 weeks
    Where I've Been

    So, I've been taking writing really seriously over the past year. I got 15,000 words out of NaNoWriMo; not bad for a busy month running science festivals. I finished the manuscript in June, sold my retro game systems the funds for self-publishing e-books, and joined a forum thread on one of my boards to write 500 words a night. I was feeling pretty good, especially considering I'm finally a

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    5 comments · 1,170 views
  • 574 weeks
    Hooves Holding Hearts contest

    So, working on the next chapter. No one reading the last one got the hints about the new kid, who is the story's main kid. I'll give these out, and the first person (and maybe a few others) who get it right will earn a small OC cameo in HHH.

    Now, the kid's an OC...but the mother is not.

    Here are the first few hints.

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    46 comments · 992 views
  • 575 weeks
    Hooves Holding Hearts Edit

    So, I changed a scene in chapter four. I changed it because it didn't work, and others complained with a reasonable point.

    It happens near the end of the chapter.

    Spoilers ahead.

    I mean, really spoilers.

    If you haven;t read the chapter, it kind of ruins the punch to know this...


    So, when John is confronting the father....

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    19 comments · 728 views
  • 576 weeks
    What the pre-readers are saying...

    Just so you know, here's some comments on the Hooves Holding Hearts chapter that drops this week.

    "She had a really miserable childhood, didn't she?"

    "Holy freaking s***! Nevermind Jazz, you are not worst parent anymore!"

    "This is both heartwarming and utterly heartbreaking at the same time. You magnificent bastard."

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    9 comments · 703 views
  • 576 weeks
    Story Progress!

    Chapter four of Hooves Holding Hearts is off to the pre-readers! I'm going to try to get a C&D chapter done next, I think. I'm having to split time between pony writing and writing things I actually intend to e-publish for money, but I intend to finish the crop of stories I have, maybe saving a week in summer to write "Doctor Whooves and the Mare in the Moon."

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    6 comments · 730 views

What the pre-readers are saying... · 10:51pm Jan 21st, 2014

Just so you know, here's some comments on the Hooves Holding Hearts chapter that drops this week.

"She had a really miserable childhood, didn't she?"

"Holy freaking s***! Nevermind Jazz, you are not worst parent anymore!"

"This is both heartwarming and utterly heartbreaking at the same time. You magnificent bastard."

"Other than that, this chapter does a magnificent job of punching one right dead center of your feelings. "

"Now, if you will excuse me, I must weep quietly to myself until I fall asleep."

Report Paleo Prints · 703 views · Story: Hooves Holding Hearts ·
Comments ( 9 )

Oh dear. Best invest in a box of tissues then, or hold off on reading this until I have some comedies to counter act it.

Good. My feelings are getting cocky, so I needed something to keep them in line.

And I do so love the way you handle soul-crushing despair. It's really, really wonderful.

Apparently I need to get something that is either hilarious, daww worthy or preferably both on my to read list.


God freaking dammit Paleo

I have waited on a new chapter, like, forever! Finally it will arrive! I, like, had the time to become a member on fimfiction, write a fanfic and get it published during the time I kept waiting for a new chapter! AND NOW YOU TELL ME IT FINALLY HERE SOON!? THIS CALLES FOR A PARTY!:pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile::twilightsmile::raritystarry::yay::ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2::derpytongue2::trollestia:

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