What the pre-readers are saying... · 10:51pm Jan 21st, 2014
Just so you know, here's some comments on the Hooves Holding Hearts chapter that drops this week.
"She had a really miserable childhood, didn't she?"
"Holy freaking s***! Nevermind Jazz, you are not worst parent anymore!"
"This is both heartwarming and utterly heartbreaking at the same time. You magnificent bastard."
"Other than that, this chapter does a magnificent job of punching one right dead center of your feelings. "
"Now, if you will excuse me, I must weep quietly to myself until I fall asleep."
Oh dear. Best invest in a box of tissues then, or hold off on reading this until I have some comedies to counter act it.
Good. My feelings are getting cocky, so I needed something to keep them in line.
And I do so love the way you handle soul-crushing despair. It's really, really wonderful.
Apparently I need to get something that is either hilarious, daww worthy or preferably both on my to read list.
my body is ready.

God freaking dammit Paleo
I have waited on a new chapter, like, forever! Finally it will arrive! I, like, had the time to become a member on fimfiction, write a fanfic and get it published during the time I kept waiting for a new chapter! AND NOW YOU TELL ME IT FINALLY HERE SOON!? THIS CALLES FOR A PARTY!