• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 22nd, 2018


Very occasionally, I post pony stories. Twilight Sparkle is the best pony. I drink my tea with milk, no sugar. Those would be the important bits.

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New Story! · 12:01am Jan 16th, 2014

You know who’s awesome?

These two:

That’s right. They rock. Both of them.

The story I mentioned last weekend just hit the submission queue and guess who the stars are? If you guessed Rainbow and Flutters, have a cookie. And I have to say they were both a joy to write, and I hope they will be a joy to read about too. So, without further ado, have some burb and cover art:

Height [Slice-of-Adventure] — Up at the top of the sky, where the air is thin and the mares' tails clouds drift, a pegasus can find peace. It’s a place every pegasus should visit, but a place Rainbow knows the earthbound Fluttershy has never been. A tale of adventure down a path paved with the very best of intentions…

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Comments ( 4 )

Ooh. Sounds like it'll be most enjoyable.

I can already see the potential for a sequel. After all, who else probably hasn't gone stratospheric? :scootangel:

The mods are also saying it needs a [teen] tag apparently. That was unexpected.

Ahem: Warning, contains scenes of mild peril.

I actually looked up some high flying birds while doing a little research (translation: reading wikipedia) and assumed that Rainbow can probably fly, oh, 20% higher? So the lower edge of the stratosphere may well be reachable for her.

I also learned that cirrus clouds are commonly called "mares' tail clouds" and I was apparently the only person who didn't know this. That name was just too perfect.

What the everloving...

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