Rarity Takes Manehattan - Thoughts! · 8:52am Jan 5th, 2014
Some time ago, I heard that the powers that be were finally going to air a real, honest-to-Celestia Rarity episode this season. Finally, after the interminable wait following "Sweet and Elite," fashion pony would be back on center stage, basking in the bright lights! I even learned that the episode was going to center on Rarity attending fashion week in Manehattan.
Last year, I wrote a story featuring the same premise, so I was pretty excited:
"I have been offered a high-profile showcase in an important fashion show in Manehattan—the most important fashion show, in fact, on the most prestigious day, the final day of Fashion Week.” -Rarity, "The Fruits of Our Labors"
I was all:
And then I found out Dave Polsky was the writer and I was all:
But I remained optimistic! There has never been a bad Rarity episode, after all. In the end, it turned out that the main difference between my fanfiction and the aired episode was that Mr. Polsky seems to ship Raritwi.
Of course, I'm kidding, mostly. There's no room for a third wheel between Rarity and Applejack!
Oh. Okay then! Whatever!
Let's just talk about the episode. First, the main plot:
For the record - yes, I am ashamed of myself.
As I was saying, the ponies and Spike are going to Manehattan for Fashion Week, because Rarity has been offered a special competitive showcase to try to win the opportunity to meet some local Neigh York haute couture bigwigs. Michael Hors perhaps?
Everyone trots along, Rarity's luggage in tow. In the episode, Spike takes on the responsibility for all the bags, whereas in my story, Applejack and Rarity were on their own, and managed to haul everything from the train station to the hotel on their own:
Keeping up with the unicorn in the bejeweled blue traveling cloak was made that much more difficult by the tight harness around Applejack’s barrel and the cart filled with luggage and garment bags she was pulling. She might have griped, except that Rarity was straining to levitate a swarm of still more bags and suitcases. Being a designer with a showcase at Fashion Week prohibited traveling light, apparently.
It doesn't take long for Rarity to break out in song, and this seems like a good place to discuss the merits of the episode a bit. First, the episode's central flaw (well, maybe not the central flaw, but still): Rarity would never tell anyone to call her the "smile patrol." Come on, Dave! That doesn't even rhyme with "fold."
A more substantial critique is that I just don't see why everyone needs to be there. I wrote my Fashion Week story with Rarity and AJ as the only two travelers, and I think they make a great pairing that is proven to work well on screen, but this episode could just as easily have been Rarity and Fluttershy (she could have modeled, and she knows how to sew). The rest of the bunch mostly just take up valuable screentime that could have been spent on yet more Rarity.
So that's where Sweetie Belle learned this move.
Next, Rarity is running a bit behind, and, unfortunately for her, the cast of Mad Men is clogging the line for taxicabs (at 1:50 p.m.? A late three martini lunch, perhaps?). Fortunately, Rarity had already magicked another cabbie's wooden wheel back together, and the grateful driver is more than willing to take her anyway she wants to go. She is off!
At the fashion place, the receptionist is busy working on her novel while Rarity has a fit, because she forgot her dresses. Rather than Mr. Polsky having the grateful bellhop Rarity had tipped earlier bring them of his own volition, the re-mane-ing five ponies (and Spike) need something to do in this episode, so they arrange for the dresses to be delivered.
Just let the poor mare finish her epic vampony romance, Rarity.
So, the competition whatsit is being administered by the resident grande dame of style (whose fabulous posterior you have already seen above), Ms. Harshfashion. Or Prim Hemline, whichever. Prim clearly has some Harshwhinny blood somewhere along the line, at the very least. I rather prefer Prim (in name, design, and personality) to the corresponding elder statesmare in my own story, Winter Vogue, who is a bit icier:
"Oh, so this is the girl from Ponyville.” Winter looked appraisingly at Rarity and shrugged. “Best of luck to you, Miss Rarity, but I’ll believe a country tartlet can become a real fashion designer when I see some proof of it.”
Dave Polsky and I are on the same wavelength when it comes to cashing in on tropes. Alright!
Subsequently, we meet the obviously horrible Suri Polomare (hehehe ... ok?)
(portrayed by Tabitha St. Germain, here playing her own nemesis)
and Suri's adorable wage slave and whipping mare, Coco Pommel
(Cathy Weseluck, once again cast as the put-upon servant and hapless admirer to Ms. St. Germain's alpha lady)
Suri steals Rarity's ideas, borrows a bolt of Rarity's amazing new fabric (patent pending, I hope), and orders Coco to get to work copying. In point of fact, Suri's final designs were slightly different from Rarity's own - she really just used Rarity's intellectual property (the special fabric) and then added her own invented details and modifications. Still, a rotten thing to ... wait ... um ... fair use!
But Suri is clearly evil. Rarity must do something! Fortunately, inspiration strikes:
Listen. Have any of you ever wanted to totally destroy a hotel room?
Rarity thus employs her friends to turn the curtains, rugs, sheets, and other things in the hotel (she apparently steals all the room keys, for example, and a lampshade) into high fashion. Instead of calling her last-minute line "All of the Things in My Immediate Proximity Last Night," she calls it "Hotel Chic."
This is the weakest part of the episode, because the conflict here is entirely forced. Rarity is a bit of a terror to work for on a deadline (unsurprisingly) and she is neither patient nor kind as she oversees her friends' night-long labor. As noted above, in my opinion there is really no reason for the other ponies to be there (save one at most) - all of the points about generosity could have been made with Coco and the other one-off ponies in this episode. Moreover, the entire faux drama with Rarity's friends goes nowhere in the end (they weren't upset with her, despite her behavior, and she was appropriately grateful). This time could have been better spent at the fashion show, with Ms. Dresswhinny.
Oh, and there is a fashion show at the end, of course! In my story, all of Rarity's fancy friends attend her fashion week premiere, including Hoity Toity, Sapphire Shores, Photo Finish, Fancypants, and Fleur de Lis. But in this episode, they:
Also all attend the show. Cool. Dave are I remain on the same wavelength
Rarity's Ponyville friends don't show, though, and she rushes out to find them. She is distraught, but again, it's not actually a real conflict. They've just slept in. But this all does afford some nice moments.
Rarity gets to put her dad's old hoofball lessons to good effect:
Stiff hoof!
Now take it to the house!
And she also gets to go all Zoolander.
It turns out, it wasn't worth Rarity's fretting, because her friends aren't upset and they understand why she was a bit of a terror the previous evening. They're just ... present, as with (too) much of this episode.
So Rarity takes them to see The Sound of Music (Not the Carrie Underhoof version).
Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo!
By the way, who are the Nazis in the Equestrian version of this musical?
Coco then shows up, informs everyone that Suri is so petty she tried to trick Rarity into not finding out that she had actually won the fashion show, and gives Rarity a tiny trophy that looks like it may have been purchased at a pawn shop on the way to the theater.
Are you sure it says "Rarity?" It sort of looks like it says "Hollyhock Retirement Community Lawn Bowling League - Participant"
Also Coco gives Rarity some thread she made from Rainbow Dash's tail hair, which Rarity proceeds to take home and add to her collection of other thread she has already made from her friends' hair, for some unknown but probably sinister ritual.
She is humming, "Grimdark fanfics, grimdark fanfics!"
In the end, I'm mainly just thrilled to see a Rarity episode. It's a fine episode. Even a good episode. Only a few hangups prevented this from joining "Sweet and Elite" and "Suited for Success" in the top tier: the story would have functioned better if Rarity had not had everyone else tagging along. There is nothing to suggest that Rarity would save time by having Rainbow Dash working a spinning wheel. The "drama" caused by Rarity's stressed out hellboss mode the night before her show went nowhere, and was jarring to watch. The song was not especially memorable, and mostly consisted of Rarity going on about how she is generous to a fault. This is like one of those job interview no-no's - don't claim your greatest fault is that everyone thinks you work too hard, or that you are too kind to small animals, or that you are too generous to strangers. The reprise was better.
That said, I greatly enjoyed the storyline with Coco and Suri, and Rarity calling in favors from those Manehattanites she had helped, like the cab driver and bellhop. (I ought to, since this is also what Rarity does in my Fashion Week story). I especially liked how Coco was inspired by both Rarity and Rarity's friendships (this still did not require everyone else to be present). The message, as recorded in the group diary, that one should not become a jaded skinflint user cynic just because there are a few bad apples out there in the world is a pretty good one that everyone should take to heart.
While I thought they could have done much more (and more creatively) with the aesthetic of Manehattan to keep it in line with the fantasy designs of Ponyville, Canterlot, and Cloudsdale (a high-speed elevated train and a sleek, modern ferry? Why not helicopters?) I had a fun time seeing lots of ponies out and about, and plenty of new designs and models. Rarity episodes seem to introduce many memorable new characters! I admit there was a brief moment near the very end where I thought Rarity was going to offer Coco a position as her assistant, and they were going to move to Manehattan for awhile. I'll have to keep dreaming of my fashion pony spinoff, though, sadly!
So, Mr. Polsky did fine. Thanks for not messing with my favorite character too much! You even gave her a trophy. You're all right in my book, Dave!
Alas, poor Spike. This lady just met Rarity and she's already brought her a present from Tiffany's. What chance does a broke domestic assistant have?
But he does have that trophy.
In conclusion, yay Rarity!
Coco and Marshmellows.
Do you ship it?
Rarity stressing out and enslaving her friends did seem a bit out of place, but that entire section of the story is entirely justified by the rant/guilt trip she goes on.
Having her finish with "Friendship is Magic," practically spat out at her friends, well, I thought it was fantastic!
I did feel like I was being hit over the head with Generosity, though. Rainbow commenting on Applejack's brutal honesty strikes me as odd, especially when Rainbow has shown herself to be far more tactless.
Eeee, reading the beginning of this post, I recall my pre episode thought process being eerily similar, right down to Polsky Face, and for that matter, pretty much everything else in this post, really. The Fruits of Their Labors isn't as fresh in my mind as it is in yours, as I wasn't able to make as many specific plot comparisons, but it was the first thing I thought of upon considering the plot of the episode in review.
I knew Suri was the devil when she first said 'mkay'.
Personally, I wasn't bothered by the coincidence of her friends not showing up but not actually being mad at her after she flipped out on them as much as I was by the weird nod to that rainbow powered tensile barrier.
The "why is the whole mane six here" problem does seem to be a general season four thing. Bats did it too. It used to be fairly clear that each of the mane six had their own lives and mostly met up up in pairs or ran into each other by coincidence, but now it seems they constantly travel in a pack. It's kind of weird, really.
All in all though, this is the first episode I've been fairly satisfied with since the opener. It wasn't really a surprising tale, mostly being a collection of what I'd consider Rarity episode clichés, (how many times will she say "what have I done" before all is said and done?) but I at least no longer fear the Polsky.
Oh, and you forgot the image tags around http://imageshack.us/a/img812/79/t2ci.jpg
Because pegasi and big blunt blades spinning at 500 RPM do not mix.
The Rarity episodes are always good to look forward to. They never disappoint!
1684794 Of course they don't mix. But they do puree!
A fun episode recap! I too had some fond recollections to moments from your Fashion Week in Manehattan story while watching the episode.
As I have mentioned elsewhere, my main issue was also with the odd slave-driver scene. While we've seen Rarity be a terror while she's working (I recall her glaring at Spike's efforts to be helpful in season 1 while using him as a pincushion) it just didn't flow on well from the group pep talk restoring her hope. Had she found determination to beat Suri elsewhere and then inflicted it on her friends, it would have worked better.
Still, I liked that her concerns were subverted (once again... Twilight never had an issue with her taking advantage of business opportunities in Sweet and Elite either) and it didn't require a great effort to repair their friendships. It felt true to me, as they are good enough friends at this point to weather such things without much more than a shrug, and yet It showed that Rarity doesn't really take them for granted at heart. Plus, I have worried myself over someone disappearing on me and imagined that it's because I have unintentionally offended them somehow, so I can relate.
Random thoughts:
Tabitha St. Germaine did an outstanding job with her three roles (she also did the receptionist who had her own fun speech style). An exceptionally talented lady, there.
Someone on EQD pointed out and I later saw for myself that a Pegasus version of that Sweet and Elite unicorn with the sunglasses, black shirt and white tie flies by in the background of one scene... Still with a horn. So no wonder Princess Twilight can't geta cab in that town... They're already jaded to Alicorns.
I enjoyed playing "spot Fancy and Fluer about town" as they were in line for Hinny, on the ferry and attending the fashion show all at least. Looks like they're a couple again.
Oh, and I wonder in hindsight if Hinny was supposed to be "Heidi" more than "The Sound of Music" (as I too first pegged it). I've never seen Heidi though, so I don't know if it was a musical.
All in all, a solid episode, keeping the streak of Rarity winners going and leaving the bar high. Hopefully we don't have to wait as long for the next one.
Episodes this season seem extra-careful to make sure that the Mane 6 are all represented, which is (narratively-wise speaking) a step down from the progress we made with "Lesson Zero." Personally, I don't think it's completely off-base to suggest that the writers knew that a portion of the fandom would absolutely crap bricks with the whole alicoronation thing and wanted to make extra-certain to have this season just positively scream "ALL RELATIONSHIPS REMAIN INTACT SUBSEQUENT TO PRINCESSIFICATION" at us. Given some of the brick-crapping that was indeed in evidence, I can hardly blame them for a little over-correction.
The similarities between Ms. H. and Prim Hemline have already been noted in the appropriate forum.
So much I want to say about this. But mainly it all stems down to what happened during Season 3.
Mainly due to the amount of how little screen time ponies had, and the big one of HOW LITTLE THE CAST INTERACTS AS A WHOLE was a major critique in the friendshipping department before Twilicorn was a thing. (Plus, more marketing for their toys.)
Personally, I think this episode makes more sense to have all the mane 6 together to an extent over say Daring Don't. Fluttershy's FREAKY KNOWLEDGE OF SOWING was only a part of the process to creating what would later be Rarity's Gala Dress. ALL the ponies were making that dress and Fluttershy simply helped out with making sure they followed the pattern and stitching order. So I don't see it as jarring to see RD on a spinning wheel as it isn't the first time the 5 have come together to help Rarity in her time of need.
Great review. Personally it was rather hilarious during one part of the song that would of just stayed so messed up had Rarity not followed up with handing Spike that chilli carrot-dog. "If you see someone grumpy~ IGNORE THEM!" just as Spike puts on a grumpy face. SO CUTE and sad. Spike is forever a slave and perpetual punchline in the show.
Coco. I loved her. The moment she came on screen you just notice how much care they put into her model. THEY NEVER PUT THAT MUCH DETAIL ON A PONY OUTSIDE THE MANE 6. She has unique mane and tail style. Her eyes were like a more submissive Fluttershy look to them, very thick eyelashes. And being voiced by Spike no less (Cathy) was hilarious. You could barely tell till the credits.
Prim Hemline... That swishing with her tail to dismiss or let others know who's the main plot was too distracting. I loved the way she trots with such command. Hashwhinny and her must be sisters. Though Prim certainly has the older look, but much like fine red whine Prim ages quite well.
I was hoping we'd see some unique Equestrian level of design, maybe even see many different species roaming about that city, but the show is really turning more and more into Ah-mare-ica. I don't know about you, but I found it quite interesting how separated Neigh York feels to the Equestria we know and love. They do NOT recognize monarchy apparently. Meaning, it could very well be that much like the tribes of old, ponies truly do have a level of freedom to live as they choose and governed on a state by state sort of thing. Why else would Twilight, being a CROWNED PRINCESS OF EQUESTRIA be told to go buck herself and go to the back of a line when all she wanted was a taxi?
Also, Fluer and Fancy Pants are still very much together. That pleases me. She is such a trophy wife. Still, wonder what she's like. She seems very affectionate at least and faithful/trusting. Lovely couple. I guess the whole 99.99999% of all ponies being lesbians is being slowly decimated this season. Even Cherry Berry and that only seen a few times grey stallion with the cutie twin octave cutie mark are a thing now.
Also, THAT ONE RECURRING INTRUSIVE BACKGROUND PONY! WHO IS THIS PONY!? She's in almost every single shot! xD Blue mane and tale, looks like Bonbon, wears a slightly off-color green sweater turtleneck.
Also, how they managed to seriously throw in a reference to Mad Men cast and that poor ad agency girl... in this show was pretty cool. That one part with the taxi scene where you see the whole cast on display, just awesome. Seriously, does this mean Mad Men universe exists within Manehattan? Are mares objectified more in Big City? Hmm... Equestria has come a long way from the sunshine and rainbows and more and more our own distopia.
Also, not sure but I think I found some weird old grey pony who may or may not be Stan Lee :P (I so kid, but who can that old pony be? Too unique a design to not be a reference!)
One day Rarity will get a musical number that does not end with her down in the dumps.
Did anyone else hear the musical as "Hinny of the Hills"? I thought, for a moment, we we going to hear about other species in Equestria.
Pretty sure the musical was a parody of Heidi, not The Sound of Music.
I'm surprised you didn't mention Rarity being the first of the Mane Six to acquire her Rainbow Key.
1685014 I thought of that, but Heidi has never been a Broadway musical, as far as I know. As far as the rainbow thread as a "key," since I have no idea what they're going to do with it, I declined to speculate.
Ah, this is a good recap! I agree with the weak points you pointed out. I would say more, but my brain is mush right now and the idea that I was about to comment on sort of
Anyway, I feel a bit bad for Polsky. Not that I don't think he should polish of a bit, but his work already comes with somewhat of a stigma, y'know? I have to say though, now that my brain seems to have kicked in again (momentarily, I'm sure), that this is a second episode that didn't really need a full cast. Bats could have been a better episode without half the cast tagging along for no reason. It's like Hasbro told the writers to throw them all in for every episode to maximize exposure at the cost of the story? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. Coffee. That should help.
It seems likely that the rainbow thread is going to have some sort of significance given Meghan's post-episode teasing, but it's probably too early to declare it a key.
Anyway, great review.
One other comment about the taxi scene... I saw plenty of people commenting on how Twilight could have teleported Rarity across town, or Dash could have flown her and I thought it was wonderfully hilarious that they (and myself at first) so bought into the world as to overlook the most obvious fact that the cabs that were so desperately needed traveled no faster than a pony could run anyway.
1685040 Just found out it was supposed to be "The Maid of the Mountains", actually. (The musical I mean).
And yeah, the thread is definitely Rarity's key. Basically anything shimmering with a rainbow like that this season is related to the box. Also, it looks like beginning with this episode, they're going to do a rainbow key every two episodes. Episode 10 will be Dash's turn, episode 12 will be Pinkie's turn.
1685198 They're earth ponies though, so they're faster.
1684725 Yeah... The RD and AJ dialogue in this episode, while funny, felt a bit off.
Well there you go! Thanks for that bit of musical theater information. I tend to agree about the keys of course (notwithstanding something along the lines of "the real keys were inside you, all along"), but I certainly have no idea what it is that they are going to unlock, or what "rainbow power" is, or whatever is planned for the season finale.
I agree with most of your statements here. I do think that, while having the rest of the Mane Six present wasn't strictly necessary, the idea that Rarity would bring them along makes sense – they just shouldn't have taken up so much screen-time, as you said. In fact, I think if the writers were to have them come along yet stay mostly in the background (which they didn't), they could have exemplified their ability to have the Mane Six present in a story without hogging screen-time (which, evidently, they don't actually have ).
I agree wholeheartedly that the drama was a completely forced and unneeded conflict. I am glad to have read your review, for you put into words what I couldn't quite pin down when I was watching the episode myself.
To be fully honest – and I feel slightly entitled when I say it – I like The Fruits of Their Labors better than this episode, but comparing fanfiction to canon episodes isn't quite fair. They are different entities with different standards; Not quality-wise, merely in reference to what can be done with them, and what audience they are targeted at.
That said, this was, in my opinion, a great episode, not least for the new(ish) setting and characters that were introduced. Coco Pommel was, it needs not be said, a lovely new character to work with, and I desperately hope we at least hear of her in the future, instead of fading into bitter obscurity like many side-characters do (a certain blue-maned, monocled gentlestallion comes to mind). One thing that stands out to me in the episode is everypony seemed neatly in-character, at least that I noticed. The bit involving Rainbow Dash having a fondness – or at least acceptance – for musicals, to some extent, is a welcome addition.
I cannot say I'm familiar with this stigma that seems to hang around Dave Polsky, however. I don't I remember what episode(s) he wrote, though I don't often make notes of who wrote what.
Huh. Didn't expect myself to disagree so much with you.
This is the one episode of the season since PTS where I thought the ensemble element actually worked well. It raised the stakes and made the story and environment seem bigger, and led to some good comedy. It may have not been strictly necessary to have the entire main cast, but it wouldn't be something I'd hold against the episode, as it didn't really do anything to detract from what happened. It was kind of like the ensemble use within Sweet and Elite, although instead of representing Ponyville, the mane 6 come to represent Rarity's true way-of-life in the course of Rarity's narrative, a representation perhaps better delivered through more than one pony.
I'm also shocked at the criticism of what I felt was an absolutely brilliant scene between Rarity and her friends. I think you're confusing the climax with the rising action with suggesting "this scene goes nowhere". As a climax, there isn't anywhere for this to escalate toward. It is only to move downward into the logical resolution.
The entire scene is excellent because it feels so true to life and characters, and is very gray, as opposed to usually clear "someone is right and someone is wrong" conflicts in FiM. Rarity behaves angrily, but in a completely understandable and relatable way; she is stressed and under pressure, and as a result vents on those close to her, which is something I think most people have done and/or experienced. She feels betrayed, and is questioning the validity of having a generous nature. It's powerful character drama, to me.
But her friends aren't necessarily in the wrong either. They could be more considerate to Rarity's feelings, but they are also being treated pretty poorly by Rarity and are fairly enough distracted by something they're really looking forward to. And they do ultimately do the right thing- help Rarity with a new dress line.
This scene is a strong extension of Rarity struggling with the successful methods of Suri- she's now doing everything to fully exploit the generosity of her friends after becoming so conflicted with her usual methods, and is ungrateful to them, much like Suri to Coco.
Rarity, strong a character as she is, comes to realize what she was doing wrong and decides she has to make it up to her friends. Yes, they make-up rather easily, but that's what good friends do, and it makes sense considering neither side really fell completely into the wrong.
But Rarity's action in doing this, and rejecting the fashion show, is also a rejection of Suri's ways and her realizing that she had it right all along. Doing good unto others, as her friends did for her, is more important than exploiting others and being ungrateful in an effort to get ahead. The drama, tension, and conflict, were still there, but this is very much a "Rarity vs. herself" venture, with how other people react to her guiding the course of that conflict. It is Rarity choosing and re-affirming generousity over selfishness- choosing her friendships over personal betterment.
It's an incredibly nuanced story that ties together in strange ways, but to me, it feels all the more real for it. And it goes into the best part about Rartiy in an excellently done way- she is not generous to a fault, and can be selfish as anyone else. But, through the strength of her moral character, she struggles through her own faults and always comes through doing the right thing.
So I thought it was an excellently written episode. But to each their own, I suppose. It was fun reading your thoughts, anyway.
I wrote an entry of my own about this the other day, but I have to say that I think that the episode was actually pretty weak.
The problem, overall, isn't the plot or the pacing, but rather the lack of... well, anything actually GOOD. There... isn't, really. Where are the jokes and humor? Where are the golden gems of dialogue? There's nothing like that here, in the entire episode. There's very little which is funny, the few jokes fall flat (other than possibly the Applejack Stealth Pun, which probably wasn't intentional, but which I certainly did not get on my own)... I dunno.
It isn't that the episode was bad so much as it lacked anything that really made it good. Rarity didn't really have anyone to really bounce off of, and throughout the episode there wasn't a whole lot of really awesome interaction. Rarity was Rarity, but she didn't have any really great moments - nothing like what she has in her own episodes, or even in things like The Crystal Empire (I made it work).
That was me. Hi!
I loved that animation error. Now we can have a whole set of more or less canon-based rationalizations for why no one gives two thoughts to Twilight being an alicorn.
Example: She hasn't grown to Cadance's size yet, she doesn't wear her princess attire, and there already are rare non-royal alicorns around (doubly recessive genes anyone?), so most ponies just assume Twilight is an uncommon but still basically normal pony. They probably think: "Yeah, yeah, you're a lucky unicorn who can fly and walk on clouds, good for you," then just plainly don't care one way or another. Also, no one reads the news.
How could you leave out the moment Applejack happily informed Rarity that she'd been "pretty rotten" when Rarity apologized to everyone after the show? You gots to have a very special kind of relationship to be that frank with someone and get away with it, heh heh.
Lovely recap. I too thought the song was pretty okay, but it fit well with the whole atmosphere of the Big Apple being a musical Mecca, and the reprise in the third act did its job well enough. And I'll also agree with some of your previous commentators that this season is really pushing that all-inclusive Mane 7 ensemble, which showed up most obviously last week when Spike did absolutely nothing in "Bats!". I'm withholding judgment on that point for now, though -- we have 16 more episodes this season which could give us more focused character casts (because as if Meghan would leave anyone out for the finale!).
I had an opinion about the episode a moment ago. Then I forgot it and can only think that I liked a lot the way you wrote this entry.
Anyways, Rarity (alogn with Fluttershy) is best poni, and I am happy we got an episode, not only with her as protagonist, but with a very Rarity plot, even.
I would have liked her being away in Manehattan for some time, taking over it like a giant white marshmallow in a sailor hat. That way she could be absent from stories, like the writers seem to like, while at the same time being successful using her own talent outside of being a multiple times hero and all that like we Rarifans like her being.
About the key, well, they need to open the box before the season finale (and The Smooze) come, wether it contains the Rainbow of Light or the Divine Cloths (I don't think it's the latter, as that would involve new toys to sell, and Hasbro doesn't like selling toys).
1685643 Fancypants gets some love in the Luna Microseries comic.
Even without Fancy, it's well worth your time/money.
Has anypony else noticed that the mare playing Hinny (I thought it was supposed to be ponified Heidi of the Mountains) looks a bit....familiar? I wonder if this is Babs' older sister, the one that was mentioned at the end of "One Bad Apple"
In a way the interaction Rarity has with her friends in the later half of this episode reminds me of "The Manehattan Project" (which actually could have tied into this episode perfectly if Rarity hadn't given the job to Coco, the story is also posted here); in both the Mane 6 travel to Manehattan to support Rarity while she works on a special project (in manehattan project it's a set of costumes for a musical), but as they get caught up their own plans, their original intentions fall by the wayside and there are eventually moments where Rarity snaps at them and where they have to come together to help her (Actually, I'm surprised "Suited For Success" didn't come up in this episode, I can imagine it would have fit into Rarity's rant nicely: "Oh. Or maybe you don't like spending the whole night thanklessly slaving away on a set of dresses your friend designed? Well now you know how I felt when I made those atrocities you wanted for the gala!")
Most of this (very entertaining) review I agree with very much, but I feel the need to come to the defense of the slave-driver scene.
Rarity's faith in the power of generosity was shaken at that point. Suri having taken advantage of her giving nature had caused her to question her way of life. This is clearly the case, as before she storms out of the room, she spouts off exactly what Suri had told her, how, "It's everypony for herself in this town!"
The implication here was that if Rarity had allowed herself to forsake her generosity, she would become exactly like Suri. She was already beginning to treat her friends like Suri treated Coco. This idea ties directly into the wonderful lesson in the journal at the end, and it fits together beautifully.
Hmm. Looks like 1687273 has already stated this more eloquently than I could, but yeah. All things aside, the scene was worth it for the "Congratu-pony-lations, fillies!" line alone.
I actually disliked it greatly.
For me, the only redeeming quality that it had was the fact that the one assistant girl was voiced by Kairi from Digimon: Digital Monsters.
Personally, I enjoyed the 'Generosity' song. Especially the reprise. Daniel Ingram did another great job, making it sound like a legit Broadway number.
Well I'm glad you generally liked that episode...)
Nothing mysterious about that. She needs threads that won't show up against their fur. They're all going to have a new look, and it will be fabulous. Come here, Fluttershy...