Life Imitating Art, and the Family Nativity Scene · 10:23pm Dec 24th, 2013
There's a reason I've been slow to get out the next chapter of, say, Lyra's life being thrown into chaos with her foster kid.
My life's currently being thrown into chaos with my foster kid.
It is a wonderful, endearing, heartbreaking experience, and I'm working hard to keep writing. I should finish NMIPV in the next day or so, then I'm grab another story and start pushing it to completion.
Merry Christmas where applicable!
Best religion ever.
That. That picture.
It's beautiful.
I want that Ultra Magnus so badly. I want the Classics one too, though I would really like Classics Optimus. I DO have the G1 Optimus though.
BTW, do you ever mind if I PM you about geeky Doctor Who, (or other nerdy topics)? I don't really know anyone who has seen any old Who, and I finally got started watching some of it.
Best nativity scene EVER.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hearths Warming!
C3PO as god is the best part of that.
Any time, man. Any time.
"It's against my programming to impersonate a deity."
Omega for best villain.
And Troughton is rapidly becoming my favorite old Doctor.
That is beautiful.
Merry Christmas to you and Yours, as well, good sir.
Bless you and your lady, for taking on a foster child as well. From what little I've gleaned of you, I think that is a good and noble thing you do.
Grats on the foster child, and hope you still have time to write (yes, I'm greedy)