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  • 252 weeks
    Lifes DM to you that you're a psycho

    So on October 28th I suffered a stroke while at work. In denial, I stayed at work, then drove 60+ miles from Orlando to my home in Lakeland. I stayed in denial (it's just a pinched nerve) right up to the point where I lost control of my bladder and the right side of my face went numb. By that point there wasn't anything they could do to mitigate the damage. You have 4 hours people. I didn't

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  • 298 weeks
    You'll Get It When It's Ready, But I'm Not Dead Yet. Also Sneak Peak

    See title. Work is work, and not a lot of time to write. I'm still around, I'm just as tired of answering the when is the next chapter coming out question as you are of asking them. I know it's shitty, I know I've let it sit too long, but it is what it is. This is why I don't accept donations for fanfiction. It remains a hobby, and thus very low on the to do list of my wellbeing.

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  • 411 weeks
    Update 2: Beta Editing Received, Performing Hard Edit, Finishing and Adding Omake

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  • 412 weeks
    New Chapter of Quantum Castaways, Rough Draft Completed, Sent to Prereaders for first Editing Pass

    Hey folks. Just a quick message to anyone who still cares, I have tentatively finished the rough draft for a new chapter of Quantum Castaways. Current draft weighs in at right around 12000 words, and that WILL change as the editing process moves along. Bear in mind that it has been a long, hard road to get this material out. It is a Frankenstein nightmare of bits and pieces jumbled together

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    Ethics of Fanfiction

    So as everyone who pays any attention to the comments and blog posts and what have you knows, I've been having a really rough time of it. This last year has, frankly, been hell. I've had a couple of people offer to donate money, for which I am extremely grateful, but it actually brings up a topic of some interest to me.

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Meyers Briggs Personality Type · 12:36pm Dec 18th, 2013

So I was going over my characterization notes and I found some interesting stuff I'd done based on personality type testing. I actually use the Meyers Briggs test to get a better feel on the kind of people I'm writing about. Nothing set in stone mind you, people tend to be more complex than a personality test, but as a definite guideline.

For one thing, the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator is very useful for avoiding creating characters that are too much like yourself. No author can avoid putting pieces of themselves into their characters, but the MBTI is useful for avoiding certain common pitfalls, AND for keeping your characters in character and consistent.

So here are my questions:

Using the Meyers Briggs Personality Test, what personality type is Marshall?

What personality type is Twilight Sparkle?

Bear in mind that I actually took a Meyers Briggs Personality Test for Marshall, answering as he would. Twilight's MBTI has been debated considerably on MLP forums. I know what Marshall's personality type is most likely according to my notes and gathered data, but I'm curious as to what you guys think.

Here's a free MBTI test that I've found is relatively reliable. MBTI

For the record, my own MBTI result is INTJ.

Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging

Report DustTraveller · 2,033 views · Story: Quantum Castaways ·
Comments ( 20 )

Not too sure about Marshall but I've pegged Twilight as an INTJ.

I'd guess Marshall is ENTP, and baseline Twilight I think is more INTP, but it's hard to fit someone (or somepony) into a neat little hole.

My test spat out ENTJ for Marshall, but I am not sure I agree.

While he seems socially adept, and you have not given any examples of him shying away from social situations, there are a couple of things that make me think he may be an introvert. He has managed pretty well on his own for 5 years without even having to resort to a Wilson-esque companion. Also, Twilight made the observation that his outgoing personality is just a mask, and that he is in fact very reserved concerning his feelings. He is reluctant to open up about his his traumatic first days on the island, or about his feelings for Twilight (I am betting he thinks of her as a little sister).

Twilight is ISTJ all the way.

I scored INFP, but I'm unsure about that whole F thing. I value rational thinking above all else in an argument, I just also happen to find "I wanted to" as a valid reason for doing something, which was reflected a lot in the answers. I guess an even split.

Twilight is INSTFJ all the way.

I'm a ISTJ according to the personality test. I'd have to agree with it for the most part.

INTJ, also this is a pretty accurate account of the different ponies and their respective MBTI...

pony MBTI


Interesting. Bear in mind that again, people (and ponies) are a lot more complex than a simple free test on the internet can display, but it's fun to discuss it, yeah?

With a good mix of results from you folks, here's the results I got. According the MBTI, Marshall pegged as a ENTP. I can certainly understand why people would think he was ENTJ, but the problem here is that Marshall's circumstances have forced a kind of false positive in this case. An ENTJ implements solutions, an ENTP brainstorms new ideas, but is reluctant on the implementation.

Seeing how much Marshall has done, it would seem obvious that he's not an ENTP. The problem being that plan implementation is kinda forced on Marshall from his circumstances. For a great deal of time before Twilight showed up, if Marshall himself didn't enact a plan of action, then nothing would get done. Since that would rapidly lead to worsening circumstances, Marshall had to change his behavior. If you look at the three instances in which Twi and he had something that needed to be accomplished that was not required for their direct survival, you can infer some interesting data points.

1) The plan to go out and show Twilight the Barrier. Marshall planned it, and executed it. This would seem to go against the ENTP mindset. However, remember that this was something he'd already done, so this wasn't forging into new territory, it was a field trip, and one that was necessary to get his partner up to speed. Plus he'd just argued against going out to find whatever had caused the Sky Lights in the distance. This sudden change of heart based on intuitive leaps of logic is VERY ENTP.

2) Climbing the mountain for observation purposes. Twilight instigated and planned it, Marshall threw out suggestions and was very reluctant to actually DO it, until Twi basically battered his admittedly feeble arguments down with her ability to cast the Wings spell. Again, all very ENTP reactions.

3) The Desert Trip - Twilight instigated it, Marshall planned it, but as you'll recall, he was very reluctant to implement it, and kept pushing for caution. Marshall is wise enough to know that Twilight wouldn't have given up about finding what was out there, but taking the devils advocate stance and making a better plan by doing so is VERY ENTP.

Finally, there's some debate about whether "I" or "E" is more appropriate. Remember that scoring as an Introvert or Extrovert isn't about how much you need or don't need other people, it's about how comfortable you are in groups and in social situations. Just because there are no people around and Marshall is still (relatively) sane, doesn't mean he's an Introvert. Admittedly, it's difficult to see in this circumstance, but just based off of his interactions with Twilight when they first met, it's clear that he's comfortable meeting new people, even very ODD new people, and has a tendency to take the lead in social situations. He clearly has no problem being the center of attention. Remember that Meyer's Briggs isn't necessary on on/off switch. It's a sliding scale. Marshall is MORE of an Extrovert than he is an Introvert, but he's not off the scale Extroverted. According to my data, he's towards the middle of the scale, leaning comfortably into the Extrovert side.

Conversely, Twilight is, I think everyone can agree on this, obviously an Introvert.

Where the argument starts is on the other aspects. For Twilight, I'm pretty sure IST? is more reasonable, although again, I've heard very good arguments to the contrary. On the last part of that, I tend to lean more towards J than P, mostly because of this particular bit.

ISTP personalities are brilliant in areas that combine creativity, freedom and practicality. They tend to be great engineers and troubleshooters, but these strengths stem from their practical experience and vision rather than scientific theories. ISTPs may get bored very quickly while studying, especially if they do not really see a way to apply that knowledge in practice. Consequently, this often leads to difficulties in the academic environment, even though ISTPs can do quite well in areas that require hands-on approach. ISTPs always soak in lots of facts from the outside word (especially when they can experience something first-hand) and this makes practical activities much easier for them.

In particular, the bolded part of that quote seems to run completely counter to Twilight's established personality. So if I was cornered into an answer, I would say that Twilight is PROBABLY an ISTJ.

1622448 On perusal, I'd say I agree with that chart, for the most part.


There is an older one that ranks the ponies according to their personality type... but that one is pre-season 2, and not very accurate at all.

1622146 I had INFP as well, by 2% feeling... narrow margins like that are certainly a flaw. It needs a more balanced option for each category to handle such cases. You can be Fair and Harmonious while still being Logical... in fact Fairness and Harmony are the only rational, logical, choice.:trixieshiftright:

1622502 Woot! I was pondering, but yeah, humans aren't machines, even if one isn't inclined to put their plans into action themselves, if the situation calls for it, you'd do it.

And as to Marshall not having gone crazy from the isolation, for all we know, he might as well have spent four of the last five years conversing with an invisible orange platypus named Hector. You as the author of course, might know better. Like that the platypus was fuchsia and named Dave.

Well, I also found this more recent chart that seems to be more accurate.


Apparently I am now Zecora. So much for being a Twilight Sparkle.

Not a bad character to be I suppose, though I cannot say with confidence that is actually her type. To be honest, I think is the closest an INTP will ever be in terms of being included in the show.

1622525 Accurate for the S1 era, though definitely not from S2 and onward.
Here is the original if you are curious.


And here is the Enneagram.


Hey, at least am definitely a Sparkle here.
Type Five indeed, coupled with Rainbow Dash and Rarity as equal wings.

I've been assumed T (thinking) by myself and everyone else, but I've recently realized that's mostly because I love school and logic and reading. I'm actually F (feeling), and it shows in my behavior. Interestingly enough, I've got a fake extroverted personality which only pops up in social situations, flipping me between Pinkie Pie outside and Derpy at home.

As scientists and people with Asperger Syndrome tend toward INTP/J, you'll get a lot of INTPs furiously defending Twilight's INTP status. However, I do see her more Sensing than Intuitive; she's more of an engineer than a scientist anyway, and goes by what's in front of her.

In the name of Celestia, WHERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER? It's been so long... *weeps*


1627563 huh im rather close to twilight, being a ISTP

http://prntscr.com/6w644p I know you're not dead, can you at least give us a simple headsup if you don't intend to write fimfiction anymore?

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