• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 3rd, 2018


I don't want to give out information here... Because obviously you're all going to use it against me. It's alright, I live in a cardboard box and I move it around a lot, so you'll never be able to.

More Blog Posts65

  • 481 weeks
    This site has not been good to me

    For some reason my computer had a big spat with this site and kept me from getting on it at all for the better part of a month. I honestly don't know what went wrong, but it's fixed now. This is extra annoying to me because I was making a lot of progress on everything and was then forced to stop. I probably could have written it in word or something, but the formatting after that for me has

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    4 comments · 479 views
  • 525 weeks
    So here is a representation of Dash and Jason's route (taken from the chapter A bit of Familiarity)

    I went ahead and made a map with the points of interest marked, so you guys could kinda see how the route looks.

    Where they started, following Market Street to the Eastern Coast of the Peninsula.

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    1 comments · 535 views
  • 556 weeks
    And this blog post indicates that I'm back (or should be, anyway)

    So, those two weeks are over. It's about time. So now I should be able to coast along and write, which will be nice. I don't like keeping you people waiting on these chapters, and while my absence around here for the past two weeks was mostly unavoidable, I still don't like the lack of ideas moving into type form. Hopefully I don't forget stuff or get stuck trying to pick back up on these

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    3 comments · 515 views
  • 561 weeks
    You people deserve a definitive blog post to explain everything schedule related in the coming months.

    So as usual, I haven't had a whole lot of updates going. I can at least call the reason out, and say when things should get better. I have AP testing coming up soon (first week of May), and if you're not in the US you have no idea what they are (because they could be called something else idk), they're basically year-end tests where you attempt to test out of the class for college. Either way,

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    1 comments · 545 views
  • 569 weeks
    It's been quite a while. Also, new story.

    I've not updated my stuff in a long time, and I apologize. It sucks, and I'm a crappy writer in that respect. I don't understand how I got stuff out so quickly when I started.

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More stories and stuff. Open requests. · 1:16am Dec 2nd, 2013

So, I posted a thing about the clop I wrote for not much of a reason. And somehow writing a one-shot has gifted me the ability to write more. So I came up with an idea for another clopfic, which knowing me is going to stay focused on everything that isn't the smut itself. I kinda like it that way, and apparently some other people do too.

But this brings me on to more pressing matters, like The Winds of Change. Obviously stuff occurred last chapter, and to be honest I haven't started to write on that yet. I've got all these ideas swirling in my head, and I'm not sure which ones to use. It's like reverse writer's block. Chances are it won't last long. I've also got The Ecstasy of Defeat to write, which is rather time consuming. But I can actually be entirely proud of that, so I'll stick that in a group with that story about Scoots.

Now this may sound like a stupid thing to put out there, but feel free to send me requests. I don't care what they are. It's a lot easier to get writing on something else if I work on something that doesn't involve my stories. Probably people won't respond to this, but seriously, I like to hear your opinions.

And because it's kind of a running joke, here's another terrible picture. If you weren't here when this started, don't question me. I'm probably going to hell.

Report AgentSnail · 530 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

.....I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but...

Requests? Like...for stories? As In, I throw out an idea and you do what you want with it?

I would love to send you requests, but what exactly do you mean? I have tons of stories I started but never published. Or did you mean we send you ideas for a story and you write it or you help with one or what lol? :derpytongue2:

yup. Preferably something I could do as a one shot or in a couple chapters, and probably fairly broad. The third thing, though not as important, is that it stays a ways away from things I have already done, or for that matter, have planned out. Chances are you won't infringe on that anyway, but you know. I don't want to look like I'm repeating myself.

Other than that, I'm looking forwards to what you have to say. Unless you were just asking the question. By the way, it can get pretty damn close to things I've done before I'll shoot it down.

Comment posted by Mother3Forever deleted Dec 2nd, 2013

Hey, you're still here! It's been a while.

I meant more along the line of ideas for a story that I would write. I was looking for something out of the zone of what I would normally write. That's partially so that I improve, partially to kinda have a larger place with readers, and partially to give myself something new.

I had a few specifications on length and such, and those are in my other comment. I suppose that if it's something I really feel like I want to continue, I'd draw it on longer.

I have, but I don't know much about it.

1563241 .....here, take a look.

The Password is 'Lemon Candy'

I can't stand this story sitting there unfinished with little to no hope of ever being worked on again. But frankly...I'm terrified to work on it anymore. I've even commissioned someone to write a story on the subject, but they took my money and never responded again.

I mean, it's written well, but I don't have much of a clue about the characters. Despite that I can see where it's going. That's a good sign.

I just don't know anything about it, even after a rather unhelpful wikipedia page.

Comment posted by Mother3Forever deleted Dec 2nd, 2013

I really hate to say this, but yeah. I mean, hand me anything in a universe I know, and I'll be good. But I'm just not the guy to write this. I don't know anything about it, and I wouldn't do a good job. That's the problem. I'm fine going out of my comfort zone into things that I know enough about, but this wouldnt be one of those occasions. But you have anything else (especially if it isn't a crossover), don't hesitate to ask.

1563306 just...don't worry about it. I've waited a year, I can wait a bit more.....but if you see anyone taking requests, and if they know Paper Mario, could ya point em my way?

Also, Bat Pony. A filly/colt. Something about an uncommon adoptive parent(s). I've found that young BatPonies are adorable, and haven't been written about much.

sure thing. Sorry.

Well my ideas tend to be about children in general. I dunno if it would be something different for you, any of my ideas since your work tends to be about Scootaloo. At least I think so, not sure if she is a mare yet in your stories because I only read the first one :twilightblush: 1563235

1563328....I uh, should probably remove that link.... Also, I edited my previous comment. It wasn't finished.

Well… She's not a mare, no. So go ahead and fire away. If you're saying that it's about kids, which you may be… I'm having a little trouble figuring out exactly what you're saying…

You know what? Just hit me with an idea. We'll see what happens.

Also in response to you only reading the first
But don't worry about it, just leave a comment if you decide to continue on, I'd like the feedback.

I got tons of ideas that were already written out (yes my grammar can suck sometimes)
Here is one: A Pegacorn

It is about a human girl who ends up in Equestria as an Alicorn and can talk to animals which freaks her out. There is an idea I had started on and written quite a bit but I stopped because I need support, and an editor maybe and reassurance and love :rainbowwild:

Also I was not saying your stories are for children, I was saying you wanted something different and Scootaloo is a main character for you who is a child. Ignore what I said lol.

If you just wanted ideas to write your self though, I dunno... Rainbow Dash gets drunk and fights a castle, best part of the new episode lol. 1563358

There's something I can do. It's broad, but you're getting at something I like. Not sure what the plot would be, because I can't just make another fic where it doesn't fit in and that's the whole plot line…

*rubs chin*

I like this, I like this a lot. Not sure when I'll figure it out though.

I know you didn't mean that, but I'm not sure what you want out of the story. Was that just an example, or have you given up, or…

And I haven't seen the new episodes. Might not ever, I don't really like the show. I'll probably just read a summary somewhere.

o.O I didn't know there were writers on the site who simply ignored the show o.O Actually your comment bugs me a bit, how could you not like the show? Why even write for this site then? 1563400

I will have a think about a few one shots I planned on doing but never got around to. Also, that picture XD

Ah, a good question. I watched the show because one of my friends liked it, and that turned out to be a waste of time, in some ways. It just didn't seem very good (and don't even get me started on twilicorn). But I liked the openness of the universe and the diversity of characters. I can screw around a great deal without even touching the canon, and people will still read it.

I guess I just started because I didn't like a lot of the fiction on here. My work's supposed to be something totally different, and I like how it turned out. I like a fair amount of the community, even if I think that the show is nothing special.

Hmm ok then. I don't really like Alicorn Twilight too much, its why in one of my stories I say on the front page SET BEFORE SEASON 3 and no one seemed to care. 1563493

Yeah, I guess she just annoys me because she's all OP and stuff. Which is ripe, because I go through a bunch of junk to make sure that mine aren't, and people still get on my case about it sometimes.

I guess the other thing is, from what I can tell about season four (spoilers) it's pretty much become the Twilight show. And that defeats the entire purpose of the magic of friendship, when everything is supposed to be centered around the elements of harmony, and the fact that they need each other. I dunno, it just seems like a stupid move. Then everyone's always like 'I love the show because the writing is awesome!' No. It's mediocre. But I can shake that off, because it's a children's show, and I never expected a lot. I just get annoyed when people say that it's awesome when it just… isn't. You know? I feel like people are giving it a free pass.

I've put out my most recent story before season four anyway, so I can get around all of that junk.

To be fair, characters can be OPed sometimes or even for a little while. I remember a certain changeling/ human OC reading a book btw and learning teleportation when it took Twilight years to learn it :rainbowwild:

But I do see your point. I may not like Twilight Alicorn or how vague they are about what exactly it means for her (immortal or not, we have no clue) but I still like the show, sorry if that bugs ya. 1563596

Your opinions don't bug me.

I brought up my own character, because I had to fight to make him not OP, while people that get paid for this did it on a whim. Though I did figure out a way to explain myself…

I dunno, I keep tabs on it anyway. Maybe they'll redeem themselves.

The show would redeem themselves? 1563616

I dunno, it just seems to have lost its underlying themes, or what there were of them. Like, maybe they'll end up showing that twilight the alicorn was a good thing.

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