• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 17th, 2024

Zephyrus Scary

30/Male/Soviet Alaska

More Blog Posts153

  • 410 weeks
    New Vore Story Coming Soon!

    Hey! If you liked Pre-Bacon, you probably like vore, right? Well, I have a new anthology, "Vore is Magic", which should be up soon! Currently, it only contains one story, but I have a lot of ideas I hope to get through!

    6 comments · 660 views
  • 551 weeks
    Changeling Story: Highly Recommended

    If you're watching me, you like Changelings, right? -and if you like Changelings, then you probably read at least one of these, in which ponies as we know them don't exist--they're

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    4 comments · 864 views
  • 555 weeks

    So... "Why hasn't Z.S. been posting?" no one has asked. (Okay, a few people have...)

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    6 comments · 732 views
  • 569 weeks

    It's been so long! I'm so sorry!

    I... haven't been writing all that much, to be honest. No excuses, only regret.

    I have been writing a little, though!

    Changing Changeling Sympathy: "I'm the real one!": 10,039 (75%)

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    10 comments · 679 views
  • 582 weeks

    Headcanon actually destroyed this time. I was a big fan of "Fluttershy is the author of Daring Do" (and also enjoyed entertaining the idea of Chrysalis or Gilda as author). I suppose there still is the possibility that the series isn't an autobiography, and Fluttershy(/Chrysalis/Gilda) is her biographer, but that's too convoluted for me...

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    17 comments · 787 views

I have no idea what I'm doing... · 11:33pm Apr 25th, 2012

Some "Love Mine" news stuff here.

First! A big thank you and lots of love to all of the people who've favorited (even if you "favorited" for the sake of watching and waiting) and thumbed up, "Love Mine", even if you didn't comment! (And a little thanks to that one who thumbed down… who are you and why didn't you like it? I want to know!)

Next! I debated with myself a little over this, but I've sent "Love Mine" into EQD. I figured if I don't expect it to go through—which I completely don't ("Yay, confidence!")—then what the buck, right?… Exactly.

Last! Chapter two is coming along very smoothly at 2100+ words… maybe a bit too smoothly… Originally, chapter two was kind of going to have two parts to it, but I'm only just nearing the end of the first part, so if the second part looks like it's going to come out at about the same length (and I think it will), then I might split them into separate chapters and post the first one a bit earlier than I thought.

(And first blog post! I hope this works...)

Report Zephyrus Scary · 260 views ·
Comments ( 4 )



again, keep up the good work bra!

If you don't get in, at least the pre-readers will tell you where you can improve, so sending it in will be good regardless!

If they don't feature it, don't be put off. Not a fanfic writer myself, but it took 5 months of attempted submissions for my artwork to get on there.

Keep working, keep improving, keep moving forward. :ajsmug:

I believe they have something like a strike system for fanfics (so they don't get spammed by the same fics all the time) and each time a story is rejected the author gets a strike. So you have three tries or something.
I'm not sure on this at all but as far as I have read/heard on various sites, this should be the case.

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