• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2013


More Blog Posts57

  • 656 weeks
    All things considered....

    You all pretty much knew that I was taking a break. Granted it was a break that I forced myself to write during, no matter what the result (By the way, ive deleted almost four chapters worth of words.) And so far the results have been....Far from what I want, so, considering Coals recent break, I think I may as well follow suit. The story may be lacking in updates because of my own inability to

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    12 comments · 806 views
  • 657 weeks

    Fun little story. Its a collaboration project between me and a few others, we all pitched in a chapter, different takes and such. Figured id plug it because hell, I wrote a chapter, I deserve to plug it!

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    3 comments · 434 views
  • 657 weeks

    Good news and bad news.

    Bad news is, Ive only managed to write like...Two paragraphs.

    Good news is, I beat Cave Story + on hard mode. I now count myself as a bad ass.

    Worse news, I seriously have no idea what the hell is wrong with me D:

    Better news... Well, im sure some will come eventually.

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    13 comments · 590 views
  • 657 weeks
    Hold up, I wanna be famous a moment.


    Okay, sorry, I felt I should get that out of my system. Maybe now Ill be one of the popular kids with our emo tendencies and shit.

    OH Oh wait, never mind, im sorry, im over the age limit for being a little bitch aren't I? Shame that, I was really hoping to get away with it.

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    44 comments · 525 views
  • 657 weeks

    All over the place! Lazy lazy lazy! I aint done SHIT!

    And it sucks!

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    6 comments · 578 views

Okay.... · 7:12pm Apr 22nd, 2012

Well, ive had multiple people tell me 'not to change myself' So, I figured I would reassure everyone.

Shut up!

Seriously, I'm not changing myself for anyone, ever! I love me, and im not gonna wear a mask so some namby-pamby self righteous asshat can feel dominant and complacent in my presence. I'm not going to stop being me, I think people need to be themselves more, and what better place to start?

None the less, apparently a few of you thought that I was saying I was going to change myself, and im not. I'm really, really not. I was just ranting about the fact that I haven't really done anything with my life, and the few times I have my shits been broken because of A: A suit didn't like the way I acted (Rebel mostly without a cause) Or B: People just got pissed at me for speaking my mind.

And im gonna keep doing it damn it! >.>

None the less. Done ranting. Cute episode.

Still count alicorns as titles, not species.

Report Kintra · 230 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Ha! I don't know why but any time I hear some one say 'asshat' I just want to laugh in their face.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

79522 You are an asshat.


79525:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Why thank you. And hello to you to good sir.:moustache:

I think I'm in love with you.........all of the homo

79925 I cant give you any homo in return. I have given it all to Coal D:

79956 GAHAHA! XD
Anyhay. *yay*

79956>>80351 If that laugh was her joining us, im okay with it. Its not gay if the balls don't touch.

(Hey squeaker, I ever tell you im a horrible individual?)

80401 It would be boring if you weren't.

Feeling very betrayed right now.... My... Love....

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