Okay.... · 7:12pm Apr 22nd, 2012
Well, ive had multiple people tell me 'not to change myself' So, I figured I would reassure everyone.
Shut up!
Seriously, I'm not changing myself for anyone, ever! I love me, and im not gonna wear a mask so some namby-pamby self righteous asshat can feel dominant and complacent in my presence. I'm not going to stop being me, I think people need to be themselves more, and what better place to start?
None the less, apparently a few of you thought that I was saying I was going to change myself, and im not. I'm really, really not. I was just ranting about the fact that I haven't really done anything with my life, and the few times I have my shits been broken because of A: A suit didn't like the way I acted (Rebel mostly without a cause) Or B: People just got pissed at me for speaking my mind.
And im gonna keep doing it damn it! >.>
None the less. Done ranting. Cute episode.
Still count alicorns as titles, not species.
Ha! I don't know why but any time I hear some one say 'asshat' I just want to laugh in their face.
79522 You are an asshat.
79525 Why thank you. And hello to you to good sir.
I think I'm in love with you.........all of the homo
79925 I cant give you any homo in return. I have given it all to Coal D:
79950 Threesome?
79956 GAHAHA! XD
Anyhay. *yay*
79956>>80351 If that laugh was her joining us, im okay with it. Its not gay if the balls don't touch.
(Hey squeaker, I ever tell you im a horrible individual?)
80401 It would be boring if you weren't.
Feeling very betrayed right now.... My... Love....