Ranting, and crap. Ignore it. · 6:52pm Apr 21st, 2012
Just voicing some thoughts without the use of voice. Shit has been surprisingly difficult for me to focus on lately, between filling out applications, and general job hunting. I’ve been busy trying to find ways to not fuck up with how I write my stories, and I’ve noticed that they are becoming fewer and farther between chapters. While normally this wouldn’t really be cause for concern, it is causing me concern, because it’s one of the few things I can think about that don’t involve something horrid happening. So, I’ve been trying to think of a way to fix it and it all pretty much comes back to one word. "Procrastinate" And that is what I’ve been doing. Procrastination has been my pen-pal with writing these chapters. I mean, shit I’ve started trying to shop photos while waiting for responses. I’m balls at it, so don’t expect to ever see any, but hell. My life has kinda been full of procrastination. It’s pretty much all I’ve done. Sucks to admit it. But I mean, in comparison to most people, I’m not really going anywhere. And, while granted hearing from people is supposed to help, unfortunately there is one very large factor of my life that would keep me from listening to you, and that is the fact that I laugh at people when they are depressed on the internet and getting butt hurt. I mean that in the most evil way possible. I mean shit, depression? Sure, I’ve been there. And while some people truly have some sort of chemical imbalance, I find it still fucking hilarious. I am the worst kind of asshole on the internet. None the less, because of that I can’t take any of you seriously if you tried to comfort me, cuz I’ll be honest. I’m not depressed. I’m not crying, I’m not slitting my wrists to 'bleed the pain away' or whatever emo shit happens now days. I’m just pointing out a cold, hard fact. My life has thus far, been pointless. The most I have accomplished is...
Well, I guess that’s a list for the ages. Someday I will hang it over my chair in Valhalla, and carry it on a flag during Ragnarok. Perhaps Odin himself will bless me when he sees how much I have done.
Seriously though, I could make up some excuse, or say that I’ve done something great, lie about it. But, I’ll be honest. No, I mean that as is, I will be honest. I hate lying unless it’s a sarcastic lie. Like saying "You are fat" And you are skinny. Shit like that, Other than then, I am brutally honest. And that’s not just on the internet. I am brutally honest. Everywhere I go I carry myself. I don’t wear some mask saying "Oh, I’m acceptable in society, look how polite I am" Nope, the same asshat you get here, is the same asshat you would meet on the street. And, that kind of ruins interviews. It turns out that people don’t like jokes about how stupidly simple most of the shit they ask for is. I was fired from a McDonalds for actually fixing a microwave that was broken. Sure, it may have been during work hours that I fixed it, but fuck. I do shit that pisses people off, or make things look too easy. Natural aptitude, I believe it is called. The more I think about, or read about something, the more a web of pictures, possibilities, outcomes and variables pieces together in my head. And me not being entirely a 'people' person. I tend to cut out the 'people are dumb' variable. Which leads to less than opportune situations. My characters in my books are reflections of what I wish people were.
Not full of suck.
I mean, seriously now how many times have you questioned the logic behind someone doing something, when an easier, clear cut solution is sitting two feet from them? Like someone trying to push a car up a hill, when not four feet from you there a length of rope and a convenient pulley system could be jury rigged. But instead, they choose the hardest route. Because it’s right, Or because they are dumb, I don’t know.
Then of course there is the wonderful 'paperwork' aspect of pretty much any job ever. Has anyone ever noticed that no matter what job you get they set you up with paperwork that is so extremely pointless that it hurts? Work at a Starbucks and have to learn to drive a forklift, shit like that. I just don’t get it.
Gah, doesn’t matter really. I’m just here to rant about shit.
I am not even going to pretend I read all of that, I like you the way you are, not much is going to change that
I agree with Belgarion. Asshole? Good that way.
We can be assholes together! Yay!
(gets home, powers up the comp, reads a rant)
Wow boss, just wow!
I hate admitting that I agree with Belgarion... ever, but in this case I do. Yer our kind o asshole!