The Downside to New "My Little Pony" Episodes · 6:47pm Oct 26th, 2013
It's been a long time since we had new episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Equestria Girls helped out a lot, and the fans themselves have done a tremendous job keeping things going, but next month the long drought will be over.
I've been looking through the season 4 teasers with a mixture of excitement and foreboding. I'm as excited as anyone about the new season, from what I'm reading it's going to be amazing. The thing about new episodes is that it is a two edged sword for fan content. It inspires the creation of new content, but it also has a disruptive effect on stories, artwork, and animations that have already been created or are in the process of being completed. The creative types have to keep current on what is going on in the show, or else we will be criticized for mistakes (it can even occur retroactively for old content published before an MLP episode that contradicts it comes out).
I haven't had too many problems with this when I wrote "Darklight". I watched "A Dog and Pony Show" and started thinking "Rarity has to go outside to hunt for gemstones, and maybe she has to go overnight sometimes, so maybe she knows something about camping." I wrote a small part about this in "Darklight", but then I saw "Sleepless in Ponyville", where she makes it clear that she hates camping, and I had to go back and change that.
I'm a bit worried though about other stories that I am writing and planning now. The teasers talked about the Everfree Forest, and I have two stories (including one where the whole story takes place there) that deal with it. Looks like there will be something else about the Wonderbolts, and I have a longer story that will deal with that. My big fear is that some new revelation will come along that will be so disruptive to the stories I have written that I will have to discard them.
Sometimes though, these same revelations from new episodes can open up new possibilities. I have one story (unfortunately it's on the back-burner right now) that involves Screwball and Discord. When "Keep Calm and Flutter On" came along, I thought at first that the story I was planning was ruined, but the creative juices got going, and I realized that I can make the story even better taking into account the new developments in Discord's history.
I don't have any more idea what is in store for Season Four than any other fan not on Hasbro's payroll, but I will do my best to adapt to whatever comes out. Stay tuned!