• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2013


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  • 656 weeks
    All things considered....

    You all pretty much knew that I was taking a break. Granted it was a break that I forced myself to write during, no matter what the result (By the way, ive deleted almost four chapters worth of words.) And so far the results have been....Far from what I want, so, considering Coals recent break, I think I may as well follow suit. The story may be lacking in updates because of my own inability to

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  • 656 weeks

    Fun little story. Its a collaboration project between me and a few others, we all pitched in a chapter, different takes and such. Figured id plug it because hell, I wrote a chapter, I deserve to plug it!

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  • 657 weeks

    Good news and bad news.

    Bad news is, Ive only managed to write like...Two paragraphs.

    Good news is, I beat Cave Story + on hard mode. I now count myself as a bad ass.

    Worse news, I seriously have no idea what the hell is wrong with me D:

    Better news... Well, im sure some will come eventually.

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  • 657 weeks
    Hold up, I wanna be famous a moment.


    Okay, sorry, I felt I should get that out of my system. Maybe now Ill be one of the popular kids with our emo tendencies and shit.

    OH Oh wait, never mind, im sorry, im over the age limit for being a little bitch aren't I? Shame that, I was really hoping to get away with it.

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  • 657 weeks

    All over the place! Lazy lazy lazy! I aint done SHIT!

    And it sucks!

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butt fuck it. · 8:06pm Apr 12th, 2012

So, I’m sure you all have followed me because you like my stories, but every once in a while I do something stupid that makes me think, and I mean REALLY think about this damned show. I love it to death, but this is why I listen to music, something I haven’t done all day, and it shows. None the less. Here is the conundrum. The word "Alicorn" Most bronies use it to refer to a pony with both wings and a horn. The introduction of the new "Alicorn" Cadence is what made me think. Now, given the situation as is, we know she is a winged unicorn, which is fine.

But me? I won’t call her an Alicorn. I consider the Alicorns to be the ruling bodies. The ones who raise and set the sun and moon. In this specific diarchy the only ones who fit that description are Luna and Celestia. Now don’t get me wrong, this is not me saying I refuse to acknowledge the existence of the other 'alicorns' this is merely me observing the fact that I consider Alicorn to be a title of position, rather than a race. Or species. And for shits and giggles here are another few notes that made me think.

One. Princess cadence is getting married. Now, given the lifespans of ponies, that may be an issue. But, now I’m going to throw you all a kicker. In the episode 'Winter wrap up" Twilight explains that "For hundreds of years they have never used magic to clean up winter." Mostly because it is tradition of course. Now, Granny smith. The oldest pony in Ponyville was there at the founding. MEANING she is 'hundreds of years old' so we really don’t know how long ponies live. But, whatever fine. Now, if Cadence is a 'winged unicorn' and she is getting married, then I can’t bring myself to consider her immortal, because then she would outlive shining armor. Unless she is REALLY new to the immortal game. That’s a ton of fun right?

Now another one, given twilights disposition to learning everything possible, I happen to think that the reason she is unsurprised by the fact that cadence exists is one simple reason, while Luna and Celestia are the last of the true "winged unicorns" every once in a while there is a "winged unicorn" born of the regular ponies. Of course due to the royal bearing, more likely than not the castle 'adopts' them. This explains the fact that Celestia refers to Cadence as her 'niece' so, fine fuck that couch. Basically it’s saying that there are winged unicorns, but they are not immortal, so fine whatever...

I’m pissing myself off now ranting about this. Feel free to leave a comment or bitch at me because 'my opinion is obviously wrong' simply because I don’t accept Cadence as an alicorn.

Report Kintra · 414 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

You had me at title

That isn't really a rant, I cannot see any angry undertones.
You give some good points, but Alicorns are not even mentioned in the show, they never use that terminology:derpyderp1:

This rant of yours actually seems to make a lot of sense. Also, someone else has stated on YouTube, through the use of notes gathered from the Baby Cakes episode, that it is quite possible for a winged unicorn to be born of either unicorn, pegasi, or earth ponies. Just my two cents :twilightblush:

this all seems to be in order. idea approved and sent to the office of "this shit is now cannon bitches" LTD

68575 Yea, it is a fan based terminology, meaning it can be warped to fit whatever it is desired. Thus I don't consider the species to be Alicorns. I consider them to be 'winged unicorns' because there is no other explanation.

I have a small suggestion, calm down , take deep breaths, and wait for the episodes, they might not explain everything but they will leave important clues for [more] sound theories, life span and all that shit. I will admit its confusing as fuck, and it will butt fuck most [ prolly all HAHA] fics that have a theory embedded in them, in short : chilax, wait for the episode and cry in a corner ---->"If"<---- all your theories are wrong, or give yourself a pat on the back if one of them is right. No need to implode your brain by over thinking XD !

68581 You lost me, are you saying that I make enough points in a valid method that I just changed your head canon? Sweet.

I see them as Harmony Incarnate, unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies together, seeing as they can move celestial bodies.

68585 and THAT is what started this dumb argument. I consider the ruling bodies, the TRUE 'winged unicorns' to be the only one with enough magic to raise celestial bodies. while cadence is more like a lesser god, a muse. Eventually she dies, and more likely then not will be reincarnated through some creepy egg hatching cycle. Who knows.

68584 you have changed all the canon for everyone for ever whether they realise it or not.

Eh, I don't see them as gods, more extremely powerful beings, that came into the world not of birth, but through Some weird magic shit, or to balance harmony?

there has been one other winged unicorn in the series besides the princesses and cadence. season 2 episode 3. at around the 5 minute mark pause when twilight is imagining going back to magic kindergarten and in the very back there is a yellow filly with a purple mane that has a horn and wings.

68598 indeed, you have a good eye my friend.

Your opinion is obviously wrong simply because I don’t accept Cadence as an alicorn. :trollestia:

Wait. Watch. Rage. Repeat.

I love fan theories. They keep me up at night.

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: I lold for no reason

I don't fully agree or disagree, but I completely understand your dilemma. I do consider alicorns to be a "race" rather than a title, I call the rulers princesses who happen to be in charge because they are alicorns, which are super powerful. Now, notice that in the show they have never been referred to as alicorns, at least not that I can remember, and prior to this shows conception the word alicorn referred to the powder/potion created when a unicorn's horn is ground up. 0-0 Anyway, I knew cadence was in the toy line, and wasn't aware that she was going to be in the show until about a week ago, I think. I also remember that "prince" blueblood, the apparent nephew of the princesses, is a unicorn. I wonder if alicorns are purely female due to genetics... Or perhaps it is a secondary characteristic that some ponies gain later in life, perhaps due to large amounts of magical power? Alicornication, so to speak. Just why IS Twilight Sparkle so special?? *slaps self in the face*
I also think that perhaps when Twi said hundreds of years she was referring to Earth ponies in general, not just ponyvillians. I wonder if any of this is related to the "dark secret" hinted at for the episode. Hmmmm....
/wall of text.:twilightsheepish:

69640 Nope she said that "Ponyville was founded by earth ponies and that is the way they have cleaned winter for hundreds of years! Its tradition!"

Alicorn is indeed a 'fan given' title, which Is why I consider them to be the 'ruling bodies' they have the title 'princess' as well, but cadence is also listed as 'princess' so I believe it is a general title, rather then an actual position.

Twilight is special because of her abundance of magic, and blue-blood is refereed to as Princess Celestia's nephew, so all things considered im going to go the 'royal by title' situation with him. And he takes it to the extreme (Pompous asshat that he is.) which his title is likely the only reason that he gets away with that. In my opinion he could have been born of another 'Pegasus unicorn' and the title was simply passed to him. But, hell we may never know so blargh!

I simply can't keep from squirming in confusion trying to figure out how he came to be a "nephew" and Cadence a "niece." To be literal, that would mean that Celestia has a sibling who had Cadence and/or Blueblood. I wonder if they are siblings. Blueblood obviously seems worse, though. Maybe they are adopted into the royal line... Grr...

Sorry for butting in so late, but maybe Alicorns unite the strenght of all 3 races (I suppose Earth ponies have a sixth sense kinda thing for plants and stuff and superior strenght?), but Cadence is only a Pegasus+Unicorn?

70262 Eh, anything is possible. Until we have more information, your guess is as good as mine.

70266 Alrighty then. Is your bonus week over tomorrow?

70287 Yup. Finishing up the final 'bonus chapter' and then its back to the normal story. Full of drama and Eclipse being... Well, actually, hes pretty much the same.

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