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    So... I'm Drunk~ So drunk the world is rotating 180 degrees backwards, and it took me nearly 10 minutes to write this...

    Ask me a question, suggest me a story, and otherwise give me things to do, cuz I'm impaired. Alcohol doesn't mix well with other drugs, just an fyi~

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  • 592 weeks
    Study Buddies Gettin' Canned

    Hey everyone, I hate to say this (really really do) but I'm officially abandoning Study Buddies. It's not because it's a crappy story with too many frayed ends, plot holes, basic grammatical problems, cliche and mostly flat characters and a general lack of actual substance (though all of those are true, the damn thing is FUBAR), It's because I personally don't like writing it. It's a fic that

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  • 607 weeks
    The False King is Crowned!

    Hey everyone! This is to announce that the sequel to Grimoire has been submitted! The first two chapters will be available as soon as it gets through the whole process, I certainly hope that you all enjoy and I really look forward to hearing what you guys think so far. Other than that, welcome to my incredibly weird update schedule once again, although now my stories are being graciously

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  • 614 weeks
    Hey there!

    The only reason for this blog is to kinda keep people up to date with me. It's been over a month since I've really accomplished anything, so I figured I'd let you all know that I haven't been a total slacker this whole time. I've been working on several little one-shot projects, but finally have settled on one in particular. It's not a one-shot anymore, rather a collection of seven one-shots

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    I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first, but the extra $19.99 US for FimFiction GoldĀ® Membership has been absolutely worth it. I must say, my favorite feature of the service has got to be the 24/7 live webcam stream of Knighty's bedroom. That is one unbelievably active space, I tell ya. Anyway, if you don't have one yet, I very much recommend going out of your way to purchase an

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Study Buddies Gettin' Canned · 6:08am Oct 1st, 2013

Hey everyone, I hate to say this (really really do) but I'm officially abandoning Study Buddies. It's not because it's a crappy story with too many frayed ends, plot holes, basic grammatical problems, cliche and mostly flat characters and a general lack of actual substance (though all of those are true, the damn thing is FUBAR), It's because I personally don't like writing it. It's a fic that started out with me being somewhat pressured into writing, was NOT supposed to get as popular as it did, and then turned into a pander fest that ended in the one-year-mess that it turned out to be. I've just bitten the bullet and accepted that there's really no redemption for Study Buddies, so it as a work is hereby CANCELLED.

I truly hate to disappoint so many people (though this comes as a huge sigh of relief to me and, I'm sure, anyone else who dislikes the story) but I just can't leave it open anymore: I'm not going to keep working on it so I may as well stop dangling the hope by a string.

On a better note, at some point in the future I absolutely plan to do another cutesy ship fic with Fluttershy, though if my calculations are correct it won't be half as awful as Study Buddies turned out to be. Hopefully the readers will think so.

Report Samsara · 937 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

That genuinely made me sad

Disappointing yes but you won't be losing me as a stalker because of this. If anything it makes me more eager to see what else you have planned.

Study Buddies intrigued me for a while, and with how FUBAR it got, I was ever more interested in seeing how it worked out. So, question. Would you be okay with me riffing it? :scootangel:

Do what you gotta do, Sam. Not all stories really have an ending.

I figure there was one point where Study Buddies actually ended, or if you asked, it could've. Then it kept going. And well, hey, I ain't saying no.

But c'est la vie. If you didn't enjoy writing, then there's point in forcing yourself, right? Looking forward to your next project.

I did enjoy the story, but it definitely had a lot of "Ehhhhh.... ok?" moments. I wouldn't have minded seeing it finished, but I definitely understand where you are coming from. And if you dislike writing it anyway, then it should have been a more easy decision then it sounds like it was ^^

The whole part where Fluttershy dealt with her inner psyche in a semi tangible manner was the highlight for me. I skimmed over the whole AppleDash shipping.

Sad to see it won't continue, but I'm looking forward to your next bit

Well, I would have loved to see it continued, but I'll definitely live. Man, it feels like it's been so long since I read that story. Well, good luck in the future.
And a new cutesy thing probably is better than attempting to continue off of Study Buddies, anyways.

1387468 Riff away, it's been riffed before and the results were comedic :derpytongue2:

As for everyone else, yeah I'm sorry about it being such a disappointment, but I'm just as disappointed as you guys are x3. Either way I can say right now that the new shipping story will be partly centralized around certain dream scenes so if you liked that you can look forward to more, though I'll make sure to plan some better spacing so they're not as shoehorned in as the ones in Study Buddies were. That's gonna be down the road, though, as I'm spending all my time working on my current Dark Story , and I don't like having two stories to update at the same time when they're drastically different in tone and style. Either way, guys, I appreciate all the support and feedback thus far. It really means a lot to me that you've all stuck around with me for so long :twilightblush: so I hope I can keep providing you with entertaining stories to read :3

I think that Study Buddies was a fucking brilliant story and it really destroys the last of my good mood to hear that it has being cancled.
I would be lying if I didn't say that I hadn't seen this coming though. It hadn't been updated in ages and you never really said anything about it. And did start getting a little bit "what the fuck" but I liked it nonetheless.
Regardless of the fact that I am rustled as all hell, I wish you luck with this cutesy ship fic that you are thinking about.

Well. This was something I dreaded to see in my inbox :fluttercry:. I thought Study Buddies was really cool and it had a really awesome idea about Fluttershy's character . I can understand why you don't want to finish it though. This is just perfect, I really wanted my mood to go to an even darker place :pinkiecrazy: Gad.
Thanks for making what you did, I guess. :raritycry::raritydespair::pinkiesad2:
Sorry. Its gonna take a while for me to recover.

Unfortunate, but completely understandable.

Really loved the story, but all good things must come to an end someday...

Best of luck in your future endeavours, Samsara. :twilightsmile: :yay:

complete understand, to be honest
the last chapter posted in my eyes is the ending.

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