• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 5th, 2014

fic Write Off

More Blog Posts9

  • 594 weeks
    We're Still Alive, Here

    There's been radio silence for a while, but we're back on the air! Write-off this weekend. 72 hour deadline. 7 days for public voting. Standard stuff.

    In keeping with write-off protocol, I'd like anyone even thinking of participating to post below saying so. I'll add you to the list so that there's some sense of the number of people participating.

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    8 comments · 707 views
  • 609 weeks
    Minific Contest This Weekend

    Starts Sun, 23 Jun 02:00 UTC. 400–750 word limit. 24 hours of writing time. 7 days of public voting. Click here for more info.

    I heard people like these, so here ya go. Good luck.

    3 comments · 495 views
  • 611 weeks
    Oh crap I almost forgot about you guys!

    I'm really bad with that.

    There's a write-off happening this weekend! It's starting in less than 3 days. Full details here.

    Standard fare. 72 hours of writing. 10 day public voting round (slightly longer than usual).

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    7 comments · 535 views
  • 623 weeks
    Back to your standard programming

    We haven't had a regular old write-off for some time now, so next weekend is going back to basics: a worded prompt and a 72 hour deadline. No messy business.

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    22 comments · 840 views
  • 628 weeks
    Is This Thing On?

    A new contest is happening... right now! Prompt voting has like 30 minutes left, if you want a say in that. Writing lasts for the standard 3 days.

    It's mature-allowed, and there's a prelim round, so you might end up reading some NSFW stuff if you enter.

    Details: http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me/event/13

    Good luck!

    0 comments · 420 views

We're Still Alive, Here · 5:37pm Sep 23rd, 2013

There's been radio silence for a while, but we're back on the air! Write-off this weekend. 72 hour deadline. 7 days for public voting. Standard stuff.

In keeping with write-off protocol, I'd like anyone even thinking of participating to post below saying so. I'll add you to the list so that there's some sense of the number of people participating.

Times, submission pages, etc. are all on the website: http://writeoff.rogerdodger.me/event/18

Good luck, everyone.

Report fic Write Off · 707 views ·
Comments ( 8 )
Author Interviewer


I put a link to it on the event overview. It's on Ponychan.

Author Interviewer


Rules say,
Weak scene breaks should be indicated by a blank paragraph, i.e, three blank lines.

I don't think that's possible on fimfiction.


1, 2, 3.

Seems to work fine.

1372692 Hmm. I think it didn't used to work... but it certainly works now. :derpytongue2:
Oh--I think it's import from google docs that strips out extra empty lines.

1372746 Fimfiction gets weird and adds or removes a line seemingly at random. There's little to do except use a visual sweep to check when it's acting up.

P.S. Bored as hell, so file me under probably-can't-be-arsed-but-should-an-idea-come-to-mind-I'll-definitely-write-something.

If it's not too late, I'd like to join the fun!

Sadly, I'll be pretty busy this weekend, but confound it all, I like these things too much to not try!

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