Scraps #2 · 3:09am Sep 10th, 2013
I'm not a huge fan of princess-shipping, but I do still have a soft spot for Twiluna. Twilight and Luna are both sort of dorky, socially awkward, but well-intentioned ponies, and I think a romance between them could work rather well. Unfortunately, Luna is a lot harder to write than I anticipated, so I abandoned my plans for a fluffy, possibly naughty Twiluna short after I slogged through the opening scene:
Most of the Gala attendees were inside the ballroom, leaving the palace gardens largely empty. The few ponies still lingering outside gave Twilight and Princess Luna a wide berth. Twilight couldn’t help darting a nervous glance at the princess. Luna had returned nearly two years ago, but many ponies still avoided her if they could, much to her ill-contained frustration. Tonight, though, she didn’t seem particularly bothered. If anything, she was verging on cheerful, albeit a little . . . distracted?
“So, Princess Luna, what did you want to show me?” asked Twilight. “Um . . . Princess?”
The alicorn started slightly and looked sheepishly at her. “We are sorry, Twilight Sparkle. What didst thou ask?”
“I was just wondering what you wanted to show me out here.”
“Thou shalt see,” said Luna, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Twilight smiled and shook her head. “Could I at least have a hint?”
“No. ’Twould ruin the surprise.”
Twilight harrumphed good-naturedly; Luna laughed. The sound made Twilight think of silver chimes and starlight, and she felt something tingle inside her.
The princess led her farther into the gardens, walking down paths that Twilight had never seen before. After several minutes, they turned into a small clearing surrounded by tall hedges.
Twilight gasped.
The garden literally ended at the other side of the clearing, giving way to a stunning view of Canterlot and the hills beyond. Overhead, the night sky stretched out forever, lit from below by the soft glow of Canterlot and from above by Luna’s gleaming moon. The stars were a million silver pinpricks.
“The northern overlook,” said Luna simply, sweeping a foreleg out at the vista.
“Amazing,” said Twilight, awestruck. “I never knew this was here!”
Luna looked pleased, almost relieved. “’Tis not a secret, but few ponies venture this far into the garden.”
Twilight suddenly gasped again and rushed over to the spindly railing at the edge of the overlook. Ignoring the vertiginous drop, she peered at the flowering vines growing on the railings. The blossoms were small but dazzlingly white; they almost glowed in the moonlight.
“Princess,” said Twilight, “are these . . . ?”
Luna nodded. “Flora Noctis. Night flowers.”
“So they really do bloom at night. I’ve read about them, but I’ve never seen one firsthoof before.” She sighed happily. “They really are beautiful.”
“Indeed,” said Luna, “but not as beautiful as thee.”
Twilight froze with her nose poised above a flower, not daring to believe that she’d really heard what she thought—hoped?—she’d heard. Surely she couldn’t have. Surely she’d imagined it.
Trembling, she turned and looked up, and let out an embarrassing eeep! when she saw that Luna was right there in front of her. The lunar princess was smaller than her sister, but she still stood a head above Twilight. Even when blushing through her indigo coat, she was formidable, majestic, darkly radiant, beautiful and mysterious—no, this wasn’t right; she shouldn’t—
Wait. Luna was blushing?
“P-p-princess?” whispered Twilight.
“Thou art beautiful, Twilight Sparkle,” said Luna, a little too loudly, as if she could simply overpower their discomfort with volume.
“Princess, please—”
“Thou art beautiful in both body and spirit, and we have become very fond of thee.”
Twilight numbly shook her head. This couldn’t be happening; it simply couldn’t. It was impossible.
Luna leaned close, and Twilight was surprised to see her trembling. “We . . . we love thee, Twilight Sparkle. We wish to court thee.”
Twilight sat down, hard. “Princess,” she said, “I don’t—I can’t—we can’t . . . ” She trailed off miserably, her heart aching.
I want moar.
Not likely, but maybe someday. I didn't have a solid idea of where this one was going—well, except maybe back to Luna's tower for a steamy romp in the royal bedchamber.
Aw, come on...
It really all comes down to Luna. If I can pin down her voice, I might pick this up again. Sexytiemz with Best Pony and Best Princess could be fun.