• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2013


More Blog Posts57

  • 655 weeks
    All things considered....

    You all pretty much knew that I was taking a break. Granted it was a break that I forced myself to write during, no matter what the result (By the way, ive deleted almost four chapters worth of words.) And so far the results have been....Far from what I want, so, considering Coals recent break, I think I may as well follow suit. The story may be lacking in updates because of my own inability to

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    12 comments · 806 views
  • 655 weeks

    Fun little story. Its a collaboration project between me and a few others, we all pitched in a chapter, different takes and such. Figured id plug it because hell, I wrote a chapter, I deserve to plug it!

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    3 comments · 433 views
  • 655 weeks

    Good news and bad news.

    Bad news is, Ive only managed to write like...Two paragraphs.

    Good news is, I beat Cave Story + on hard mode. I now count myself as a bad ass.

    Worse news, I seriously have no idea what the hell is wrong with me D:

    Better news... Well, im sure some will come eventually.

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    13 comments · 589 views
  • 656 weeks
    Hold up, I wanna be famous a moment.


    Okay, sorry, I felt I should get that out of my system. Maybe now Ill be one of the popular kids with our emo tendencies and shit.

    OH Oh wait, never mind, im sorry, im over the age limit for being a little bitch aren't I? Shame that, I was really hoping to get away with it.

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    44 comments · 524 views
  • 656 weeks

    All over the place! Lazy lazy lazy! I aint done SHIT!

    And it sucks!

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    6 comments · 577 views

Ohh, bonuses?! · 8:26pm Apr 8th, 2012

Now I’m sure most of you are thinking "Why are you worried about seriously reduced quality yet you post a blog saying bonus chapters!?" Well simple answer is this. If it is canon to my story, I don’t want to fuck it up. So blah. Blah at you all.

Now, if you are here to NOT be a dick about it, and perhaps want to know what these one shots are. It is pretty simple. Leave a picture, and 'minor' description of your character. Meaning a general personality. Age, looks. Shit like that. So, for Eclipse (Yes humans accepted, so are everything else.)

"Name: Eclipse

Species: Human, White/Caucasian

Looks: Black hair, always slicked back. Ripped black shirt, a silver ring near his heart. Basic black pants and boots.

Personality: Playful. Tends to try and help everyone even if it puts him in a bad place. Despises pompous people, also enjoys the occasional steak without Ponyville knowing. Because he can.

Physical traits: Trait name, Shattered Spark. Through a serious of coincidences and mistakes Eclipses 'spark' a reality shifting being with nigh limitless power has become fractured leaving him with physical abilities far beyond the norm and powerful magic, which now has unknown effects attached to it. Plays piano, great cook. Also is a great seamstress. (Just don’t call him that.)"

Now obviously if your character has a trait that I’m going to look at you and laugh for, then don’t bother. But, for the most part. Stick it in. No Alicorns or OP. Duh.

Now, beyond that here is the fun part. Tell me who it is you want your character to meet. And, if you wish, HOW you want them to meet. If I can, I will make it happen. If you just want to see a character in the story talking to eclipse, leave the description and a subject. AKA.

"Description here blah, blah"

"And, I would like for XXX to be meeting Eclipse, maybe for a drink at a bar or something. We could be talking about anything, even XXX's obsession with berry punch!" And don’t be afraid to try and ship yourself with a character. If it’s a character I have a relation planned for, it won’t take, but you are welcome to try!

So, have fun. If you need more explanation, just tell me. I’ll try and offer more.

Ah yes, leave these as comments, not Pms please...

Report Kintra · 487 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

1. Satin should be posting some sort of bar fight between Arc and Benjy...

2. Eclipse Jackass! Kicking Celestia in the nuts is... Well, fucking funny to be fair! :trollestia:


4. Grey meets Satins hand. (Girlfriend.)

2 things:
A) Can it be our O.C ponies?
B)63553 Well played Good Sir, I hope to beat you in our conquest of the coveted "First" Position!

63570 Yea, It is preferred if they are.

Cool, Alright here goes:
Name: Belgarion

Species: Pony(Unicorn)

Looks: Crimson coat, Orange and Red Hair, Flaming Horn as a cutie mark.

Personality: Withdraw, bordering on anti-social, Dislikes to spend time with people he knows, but f he is with friends he is quite laid back. Very loyal, he would do anything physically possible for his friends, and tends to hold grudges for a long time. Quite an egghead, and tries to show it off when he can.

Physical traits: Mastery of Psychokinesis, he can to everything known to man with his mastery of magic fire, but not much else in the magic department, he can only just cast the basic telekinesis spell. As mentioned before, quite an egghead, but mostly on trivial matters that is one too practical. Speed reader as well, often where he gets his knowledge from.


Name: Benjy
Species - Pegasus
Personality _ Narcissistic, womanizer, loyal to his friends (Chaotic Neutral)
Physical {} Pretty good flyer (nothing to write home about), plays the piano extremely well, and is a damn good artist

I'm with Devil here, I want him to do an epic battle of the bands with arc over something completely insignificant

maybe end the night drunkenly singing a song together

63601 So...What is he doing? You gave me a description, but not what you want him to do...

Lay with everything and everypony there is. XD
Nah, he can just follow eclipse around, generally being an annoying fanboy and maybe a friend.:twilightsheepish:

63644 Annoying fanboy? I can do that.

636457Since it is true.

And the songs shall be:
Arc: Black Widow of La Porte - John 5
Benjy: The Sting Theme (Joplin - The Entertainer)
And for our duet finale: Bohemian Rhapsody; guitar and piano like a boss! Queen of course!

Created an even better one.

This sounds like it could be a lot of fun! I always wanted to go to different worlds, why not Equestria?!

Name : Justin (frequently gets the 'Just-In time jokes)

Species : Human, White/Caucasian

Looks : Brown hair with some premature white, done in a harsh flat-top marine cut. Short goatee w' permanent 5'oclock shadow. Tends to dress in denim jeans, t-shirt with a wolf pic, work boots, leather vest, and a stetson. Always wears a black and silver cross around neck.

Personality : Outgoing/curious - At first glance looks very serious (tends to forget to smile when not in presence of others) but in reality is outgoing and usually very friendly. Quite charismatic and likeable unless threatened. Will happily let someone else lead, as long as they are competent, and will assist said leader well. If the current leader shows signs of hesitation or indecision, will temporarily take charge until whatever crisis has passed.

Physical traits : 1) Minor empathy - tends to be able to read people easily, and tries to help out (ever notice how many folks just don't want help?). It is useless in any situation dealing himself for some reason. 2) Illness - Suffers from chronic, constant pain due to severe nerve damage. Has learned to ignore it most of the time, but intense pain tends to overcome that ability at the worst possible times. Extremely high pain threshold. Due to this, frequently doesn't notice physical injury and that could be a very bad thing. May become standoffish when in extreme duress and that may hurt other folks feelings, unless they know about the condition.

Who I would like to meet? : Would enjoy meeting pretty much any and all the ponies I could! I mean, who wouldn't? Though I would definitely seek out medical assistance from a magic healer! Physical science has failed to cure, but look out! A world with magic! Possibly a cure!?! I have a terrible crush on Fluttershy. Might be interesting if you were to have Eclipse 'help' them. If you already have prearranged plans for 'Shy, then an alternate idea could be Eclipse 'helping' me notice the attention of somepony else that I didn't notice due to infatuation with 'Shy... Your call boss!

Did I forget anything? Don't think so. but if ya need something more let me know :)

Put me in coach!

Name:Jesse (Jester for a equestrian name)
Race: Human, White/Caucasian
Looks:Male with Light Brown kinda curly hair that is just past shoulder length. Skinny and not very muscular do to being a Vegetarian back on earth. He is 6 feet tall. Wears a Plain white t-shirt with a black hoodie and black active wear pants (basic jogging pants) with white strips down each side and blue and black running shoes. Been mistaken for a girl in some cases (like from behind or in the dark).
Personality: Kinda shy around new people and doesn't talk a lot to strangers but with friends he is very random and tells a lot of jokes. VERY forgetful as in can forget something you just finish saying and is easy to distract. He is also very outgoing. Tries and helps everyone he can and doesn't get angry easily except by intolerance and outright meanness (for lack of a better word).
Physical Traits: Good with solving problems. He's kinda weak but can still do physical labor. He has high endurance and doesn't give up easily. Very lazy. If he sits still to long (so... like 10 minutes) he starts to go stir crazy. Hes very clumsy, has no scents of direction. Good surviving instincts and knowledge

The people I would like him to meet are the mane 6, the gang of humans, tundra, and perhaps Luna (if you want:fluttershyouch:).
Maybe hes brought to Equestria somehow and thinks hes in a dream or something and start to try and help ponies but actually starts to screw stuff up. Feeling bad he wanders into the everfree forrest and gets lost and Eclipse and friends try and find him and goes through a lot of crap and trouble just to find he wandered back to Ponyville while they were go or he made a small camp in the forrest or met zecora and hang out at her house for abit. These are just ideas if you want to use the chariture someway else or the idea with a different chariture that would be fine.

I hope you chose to do this story or use this chariture. I've read you other stories and your my favorite writer so far.


I must say I am enjoying the bejesus out of your stories! anyway, mentioned something about needing more backstory? Well... lemme see what I can tells ya...

age: 35 (though for reasons unknown folks always think I am in my mid 20's, guess my family ages well)

skill-set? (as in prior jobs of note and training maybe) : Construction emphasis on electrical, automotive emphasis on diagnostic (troubleshooter, seems to apply more to people now-a-days!), oddly- ten years of ancient weapons combat training (preference with the shield), commercial transport (truck driver, with a mouth to match when warranted), stint in the army (was never deployed, mos intel rank specialist), pretty much jack of all trades.. oh ya, medical training... how does one always try to forget that one!

oh I know! Likes! - good food, a good book, laughing with friends, dancing (no, I'm not any good...), singing (to myself unless drinking...a lot! sad stereotype, I can only manage country songs to sound any good...if you think they are good...sigh...), more than anything a job well done! (Oh, I love it when a plan comes together!)

Dislikes - Fighting (Don't let that fool ya, these hands are deadly weapons...and have been...), overindulgence (all good things in moderation), politics (best way to loose a good friend...), established religion (didn't see that coming did ya! The cross is a family artifact), those who cannot think for themselves.

oh, guess ya need some backstory which is what ya asked for in the 1st place...

Well, spent the last six or so years in and out of medical institutions trying to repair my body (sigh, aint like working in the mech bay lemme tells ya!). Prior to that I spent several years cross-country driving commercial like. Been there, done that, probably have a memento of it somewhere too! Been to faraway places too, as far as Romania (nice place too). So you def got the slightly dazed, but not shocked correct about ending up in equestria! Before that a small stint in the army, if ya don't have a nat'l security clearance I don't discuss it... ever. Prior to that, (ya, makes me feel a tad old when I think about it!) I worked well building homes and fixing folks cars and such.

When you have traveled as far as I have, seen as much as I have, and met as many folks as I have, it is very easy to become disillusioned with reality. When you know most places are so high tech yet have people starving still... well you get the picture. Somewhere in my mind there has to be someplace left to explore... maybe a whole new world to map out, or just a small part of it (dreamy sigh) to explore places that have not been despoiled... that is a dream! To live in such a place is a dream come true!

Hope I gave you something to work with Kintra!


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