National Pony Writing Month Year 3! · 3:20am Aug 30th, 2013
Oh yeah, we're SO on! Year Three is upon us, fillies and gentlecolts, cheeselegs and featherbrains and all the rest of you lot!
Here's the run-down on NaPoWriMo, for those that haven't ever done something like this, or haven't participated in National Novel Writing Month (which this is based off of).
The goal: 50,000 words. Don't be scared off by this, either. I'll take drabbles, poetry, haiku, or the ponified Epic of Gilgamesh. The 50 K is just something to shoot for, not a requirement. If you decide to write three one-shot fics totaling 7,356 words? That's just as awesome as the writer who cranks out 118 K. Do not be discouraged because you don't have the wordcount somepony else does. Everybody that participates gets listed at the end of the whole thing, no matter if you're a prolific writer or this is your first time writing.
The time limit: One month, from 12:01 a.m. September 1st to 11:59 p.m. September 30th, pertinent to your local time zone.
The special note: Unless you plan to submit to Equestria Daily properly after this event, the rules are more or less out the window. Kissing and fade to black scenes are a-okay, explicit content is not. Same goes for the gore levels. Don't be trying to impress the 'Hostel' creators or something, here.
If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or goodies you'd like to donate to the event like last year: e-mail
Anybody have questions? want to get together and brainstorm? Do so, please! Make fimfic groups, have a huge Skype chat, whatever it takes to get the creative juices a-flowing!
That'll do 'er! Let's go, folks! Make me proud!
Gah. I already filled my quota in TSC chapters dude
So keep writing!
... reminds me, I still have that Bronycon photo of you and Pinkie Pie to send you.
Dang, and I already started on three stories that could have easily (once finished) pushed me past 20,000 words to start with! Guess this gives me inspiration to get the two one shots out of the way so I have the chance to enter the competition properly.
I'm going to try to have the standard weekly update posts like I've done in the past.
1316832 Yes! Please send it!
Yeah, for me, a laugh. Last time I tried that, I got two strike-outs for one single story submission, and the story was rejected both times because of 'improper use of em and en dashes' and 'overly descriptive language'.
One of the (friendly) pre-readers called it the most blatant abuse of power to exclude an author on spurious reasons they had ever seen.
Thus, I have given up.
To hell with them.
[revving intensifies]
Gonna go for broke, gotta make up for that year I apparently missed.
Yay, I finally have an excuse to just focus on one story now!
Truth be told, it's why I've expanded here to Fimfic. Not only for more folks that might be interested, but the fact that... well, some refuse to have anything to do with EqD.
*shrugs* To each their own. I won't begrudge anypony. Heck, I know folks that won't use fimfic because they disagree with some of the things in place here.
I do still hope you'll participate in general, though. Like I said, everybody gets linked at the end of it, no matter where their fic may be posted.
I'm just tired of working hard, doing my best, following all the rules, and then being slapped down because somebody in EQD has a personal hate-on for me, and wants to exclude me.
I am even more tired of this being allowed to happen, and that nobody seems able to step in, say 'that's wrong' and fix the problem.
It's nice that it's recognized that I am being deliberately blackballed for petty reasons, and that it is really wrong. Yes, OK, that's nice, so... what about actually ending that?
Silence. The wind whispers. A tumbleweed rolls by.
Somewhere, the distant sound of a dog barking.
After more than a million words of fiction on Fimfiction, three published novels, multiple published computer games, and the odd recognition by scientists and doctors for my work in other areas - I can't get on fucking EQD any longer?
Actually, it's disheartening, because Pony is where the fun is for me, right now in my life.
Amazing how that works. You can do the most amazing things, and some little shit brings it all down.
Life is weird.
Jesus nonexistant christ.
I understand your frustration. And I'm sorry there's nothing I can do to make it better. All I can do is be here for you... if that helps at all.
The real pity is Iceman - the author of 'Friendship Is Optimal'? Turns out his story was entered at roughly the same time as my own 'Caleum Est Conterrens', and it is almost certain they rejected his work purely because of a perceived link between the two of us that does not exist.
In short, he was screwed because I coincidentally entered my Optimalverse novel at near the same time as he did his original.
Iceman is who I really feel sorry for - his story spawned a subgenre all to itself, yet because I wrote one book in his universe, EQD won't accept his work now.
I have no words for how truly despicable this is. Poor Iceman. We don't even know each other. He's never even said whether he even likes my book. No connection at all.
A big part of Pony fandom is truly, deeply ugly, it seems.
Actually, there were several of us that went to bat for Iceman's work, not just me alone. There were three or four of us that went "hey, this is REALLY good!"... the rest were either uninterested in reviewing the work, or... well, honestly, I think some of them didn't 'get it', in a way.
The 'percieved link', unfortunately, is both accurate and simultaneously somewhat of a misnomer here. On the one hoof, I personally think the work could stand on its own merits. Another agrees with me on this. On the other? Several (including two that supported Iceman's work) were concerned that it was a near-necessity to read FiO before reading Caelum. Yes, I realize that it's silly, because if you're reading Caelum or Midnight's 'Firewall', or many of the others, you've likely already read FiO *anyway*...
I don't know what else to say... Is there anything at all that I could possibly do to make this better? cheer you somehow? I feel rather at a loss.
Oh wait... you are part of EQD? If so... sorry to complain to you.
*giggles!* you never knew? Oh goodness, I thought I'd mentioned that ages ago!
And don't apologize one bit. Better you vent on me than somepony else. Besides *that*, at least you know I'll hear you out and do my best to try and rectify the problem!
*hugs* You're my friend, Chat. Don't ever forget that. I go to the wall for you, same as anyone else I hold near and dear to my heart.
If it's any comfort... I'm thinking of writing a small slice of life story about Mister Whitemane for you...
Oh... I'd love a Mister Whitemane story.
Thank you for your kindness. I expect dealing with all the crap at EQD is not easy, and is very hard, and not the least bit nice. You are kind, but I feel bad for bitching at you, now that I know. Sorry!
I... suppose I should have asked for permission first, huh? ^_^; I haven't written a word, yet, it's just an idea... if you don't want me to, I won't.
EqD can be... a pain sometimes. Honestly, all I really stick to now is running NaPoWriMo and the flash fic events... and the rare fic that hits the queue that intrigues me. Like your stuff
You never need permission from me, Noble Cause. Feel free.
'Tis but common courtesy. I hate intruding upon another author's work unintentionally. I've been told 'no, please don't write anything' before, so I was worried a bit. I don't want to step on anypony's hooves by accident, especially yours.