Happy 4th everybody! · 11:30pm Jul 4th, 2013
Happy 4th of July! I know I'm Irish, but two of my skype friends live in America, and this is for them. lunaisthebest, Skywing, happy 4th!
Happy 4th of July! I know I'm Irish, but two of my skype friends live in America, and this is for them. lunaisthebest, Skywing, happy 4th!
Wait, irish? Oh my god, which county do you live in?
1188307 Corcaigh.
Well, there goes any chance of us meeting each other...
I live in belfast, Antrim
You know, where those god damn flag protests where?
1188322 I think so. I kinda dropped out of history... and geography...
It happened, like, two or three months ago. Barley history.
Geography, I barely know myself. Corcaigh's in Russia, right?
1188341 Ha. And in the case of history, I don't watch the news. TV with my family always ends in shouting at a referee, even when there isn't one...
But... Nobody spoke about it?
daaaaaaaaw.... you care! :3
1188403 Nope. Not within my earshot anyway... though I have my headphones on most of the time...
1188405 Indeed I do Litb. Indeed I do.
Your friends never spoke about it? That's the only way I found out
1189394 They did not.
What kind of friends do you have?
1189460 Friends I like to talk to, RP with, etc, via Skype.