Shock n D'aww · 3:33pm Jul 1st, 2013
Well hey! Lookit that! I've been noticed!
Welcome one and all! It pleases me to no end to see something I cobbled together being enjoyed.
The current plan is to have Q&C chapter two up within the next month. After that I plan on getting another chapter up for Ascension to cap off it's intro arc before starting the planned revisions to its first four chapters. But the revisions to that will be more 'in the background' sort of work while I focus more on Q&C and the occasional oneshot or whatnot. One of which is already done for a monthly SFNW contest. After the contest I'll edit it up a tad and post it for general viewing.
Many thanks to you all for the likes, faves, and follows. If you feel so inclined, go ahead and check out my other works (though, as noted above, Ascension is in need of revision; It's a bit heavy on the purple prose). But, of course, only if they seem interesting to you.
Anyway, take care!
It's about time! You have no idea how much it annoyed me that I was your only watcher. Ascension isn't "a bit heavy on the purple prose". It has purple coming out of pores it didn't even know it had! (Okay, not really, but it's definitely more than a tad purple. ) And what do you mean "I'll edit it up a tad"?! We both know who'll be doing the editing.
Dude, you are amazing! I can't believe you haven't gotten more followers to follow you!
I posted a blog trying to get you more readers. Let's hope it works
But yeah, keep writing man, you are awesome at what you do!