• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
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Noble Cause

she/her they/them, reader more than writer these days.

More Blog Posts36

  • 189 weeks
    Thoughts on trauma, and the acceptance thereof

    It's been a while since I've actually... written anything like this, so I hope you can forgive in advance. This is going to be rambly.

    So... at this time, as I type this, it's just shy of midnight. An hour and a half from now, it'll be two months exactly from when the fire broke out at my old apartment complex. I'm still glad I got out, don't get me wrong. But Darkness, do I have regrets.

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    4 comments · 360 views
  • 412 weeks
    Signal boost!

    Lately, a dear buddy of mine has been streaming Fallout 4 with mods! Jake the Army Guy is getting his face blown off by supermutants half the time, but I'm sure he'll be just fine... just needs more stimpaks!

    Here's his blogpost! come watch! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/721738/streaming-fallout-4-for-real-this-time

    0 comments · 474 views
  • 453 weeks
    Well... this has been a long time in coming.

    I've put a lot of thought into this, in the past several weeks. And I've finally come to a decision...

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    6 comments · 587 views
  • 471 weeks
    Hm hm hm...

    Well, life's been interesting here lately. Looking for work, have a blizzard sweeping my way... and I'm still drowning in ideas that I've yet to write.

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    0 comments · 478 views
  • 476 weeks
    Happy holidays, one and all!

    So... I'm sitting here in NY, enjoying a 70 F Hearth's Warming eve, and loving it, after winter's icy hell last year. I'm loving the warmth, but I know it won't last. Take good things while you can get them, folks.

    Have a wonderful holiday, everypony.

    2 comments · 464 views

Attention all writers! · 2:10am May 23rd, 2013

Here's my reposting my flash fanfic event! Come one, come all!


Report Noble Cause · 344 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Suggestion: Give us a "TL;DR" version of the story prompt, or bold the actual prompt so it stands out. Some people (myself, at any rate) don't want to have to filter through all that flavor text just to get to the prompt, and it'll just turn us away.

*puts on helmet* ALL RIGHT, you MAGGOTS! Listen up and listen good, because I’m only going to say this once! I see you quiverin’ and shakin’ in yer little booties already... GOOD! Because the foal gloves have come off, fillies and colts! It’s the Memorial Day weekend coming up in the States, which means extra long time to write, in between the grilling and the football! But that’s not important. What’s important is all the military motherbuckers out there RIGHT BUCKING NOW serving their country! We’re not going to bucking devolve into politics here, kiddies, or I swear by Princess Luna’s pretty ebony tiara I will BRING THE PAIN! GET ME? GOOD! Now, I want you to write a fic that does the military among us proud. Whether they're a soldier in Chrysalis' hive, a Royal or Lunar Guard of Equestria, a Knight of the Griffon Kingdoms, or something else. And Sisters help me if one of you maggots writes an HiE/BiE 'explosion knocks them into Equestria' fic, because I. Will. Hunt. You. Down.

TL;DR: Write a story about the Military of Equestria, pony, changeling, gryphon, whatever. Just no Humans.


I was feeling silly and got into the spirit of things, since I'm the grandfoal of Navy and the sister of Army. I had fun.

Reporting in, I'll see what I come up with :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

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