The Cravings Begin · 7:18pm Mar 24th, 2012
I wasn't going to post this story until after "The Risks of Braving a Storm" was fully posted. However, at OminousBrony's request, I am releasing the first two chapters of my pregnancy fic this morning! *Flutteryay!* At least, if it gets approved... It's pending at the moment. The main reason the early release is that the scene at Fluttershy's house in chapter 19, as well as something coming in 24, won't make as much sense unless chapter 2 of "Unplanned Parenthood" has been read as well. It won't detract from the story if they're not, but it will certainly add to it, to know what's been happening before Storm's arrival. It's meant primarily to focus on comedy, but there will be character building as well, and a little serious stuff too.
Since I wasn't planning on releasing this story yet, don't expect updates very often at first. I have at least seven chapters written, but they jump all over along the eleven month timeline that this story takes place over, and thus until I have a moderate level of cohesiveness and structure, they will remain unpublished. Time lines, as OminousBrony can attest to, are not my friends, and more than once I'd be writing and he'd stop me and say "No no, that's not when this is happening. Fix it."
I also intend to go back through "Tears in the Snow" and give it a massive edit, mostly due to the large number of boneheaded spelling errors and its/it's mishaps it contains. The storyline itself will not change, but I may add little snippets here and there. Nothing game changing, just enhancing the structure. If all my stories are linked, then it would only make sense to make the one that starts them off as good of a read as possible. And as for future projects after "Unplanned," well, we will see. I have at least two more solid ideas for OC fics rolling around in my head, and if I can keep my mojo going then they will come to pass. Besides, by this time, I just feel bad for Applejack. She needs a stallion of her own. Anyways, hope you all continue to enjoy "Risks," and also enjoy "Unplanned Parenthood." Oh, and if you like the pregnancy fic, pass some love on to Naga, as he all but begged me to write it. So I did.
I am intrested.