Off to bed... · 6:33am May 8th, 2013
Well, hey, I'm getting better... nearly 2:30 instead.
So... Guardian's taking off in about 5 and a half hours at this point. I've tossed him Balance chapter 4. I've no idea if he'll be able to have time to read it or not. I want to do this right and do Gammaverse proud, which means needing his input. The problem?
He's going to Belarus. As in Minsk. Y'know, bordered by Russia, Ukraine, Poland, all those fun Eastern Bloc countries? that Belarus.
Not that I don't blame him. He's going over there to do some real good with his family, and I wish him fair winds over and back.
What's this mean for Balance, though? I'm still going to be writing. I just can't really *tweak* anything without his input. So expect me to keep on keeping on. I might drop a teaser for another idea I've had in the meantime...
And now... I sleep. G'night, folks.