Insomnia blogging? moi? · 8:10am May 6th, 2013
Well... sorta. It's after 4 a.m. here (and yes, I'm going to bed shortly), but I just wanted to say three things:
1. If you have a hard time cleaning up, might I suggest the site 'Unfuck Your Habitat'? it's quite fun, and I'm using the tricks I've learned to keep my place around my computer a little cleaner than I usually would. I'm going to take care of my car starting in the morning. Before and after photos and all.
2. I'm working on Balance chapter 4. Hopefully I'll have it done and hashed out before Guardian leaves. And I hope to the Forge that he has internet access, otherwise I'm going to be *so* stalled for help.
3. I've been doing some deep thinking lately, so expect a few blog posts on some heavy subjects coming in a while.
Looking forward to it once I get to it, which won't be long.
*hugs* you really gotta get to sleep sooner
It ain't for lack of trying!

Bah, we just have to try harder!
Yep, you shouldn't deprive yourself of sleep.