My Little Avengers fans, rejoice! · 7:51pm Apr 30th, 2013
Remember My Little Avengers? That cute, fast-paced romp that updated like once a week at least, as opposed to my current glacial pace? Remember how you all wanted a sequel ASAP, and I was like "Nah, Imma work on My Choices instead"? Well, a proper sequel is still a ways off buuuut we have the next best thing - a side story!
Those of you who bothered to read the A/N at the end of My Little Avengers may recall that I invited talented authors to participate in building the Marevel Equestria universe by writing their own stories, so long as they ran them by me first. Well, somebody actually took me up on that offer, and has just now posted the very first chapter of My Little Avengers: Deadpool, featuring everypony's favorite Merc With a Mouth!
The author is a good friend and fan of mine, and while this is his first fic it looks great so far! He's got some good talent and a great sense of humor, plus an excellent understanding of character that really makes the story come alive. These are all important factors when writing a character as nuts as Deadpool, and he carries it off well. Check it out, and shower as much praise upon him as possible so that I may stand behind him with a proud, paternal grin and bask in the reflected glow of my protegee's success.
Go! Now! Why are you still here? Oh, you wanted an update on My Choices? I'm working on it. I'm gonna put the pedal to the metal this week, and see if I can't get it out by the weekend. Wish me luck!
Now GO!
An Avengers spin-off and an upcoming update on My Choices? Rejoice!
Never change, kooler.
Not planning to!
When I got home from school today for no apparent reason I thought to myself, My Choices had better update soon, then I logged on and found this
I will give it a read.
Well, not really interested in the whole Avengers-thing, but:
*chant*luck, luck, luck!
You know I never read your Avengers story. But I do like Deadpool when he's well-written (like most American comic book characters the actual quality of any given run of Deadpool comics is highly variable, given that they're all written and drawn by different people over time). So I might go give that a read.
Nutjob provides enough background that his story is readable without reading mine. And it is definitely good enough to do so if you don't want the hassle. But I've been told My Little Avengers is quite good, so if you're a Marvel fan give it a look!
So you're saying, once upon a time, you were working on My Choices? Like, actually making an effort to write it?
I'm having a hard time imagining this...
I know! But believe it or not, he used to update frequently! Like, 1-2 times a week! I don't really know what changed, but the popular theory is that he has actually been kidnapped and replaced with an evil clone that constantly gets our hopes up only to dash them at the last minute.
H-h-he m-mentioned a sequel to m-my little avenge-gers!
(falls backwards in chair. Or spits water a all over computer)
Well, I saw. Thanks for the head-up, koolerkid.
Shush you. I'm still working on it.
Obviously, by "the" weekend, you didn't mean thislast weekend, but rather some other super special weekend that warrants "the", right? Like some weekend maybe 4-5 months from now?
It's okay, take your time. We've waited for half a year now (and a third of a year before that), that a few days, doesn't really matter that much.
Unless you think that a few days might as well as be a few months or a few years! Or Celestia forbid, that you'd drop the story! Pinkie Promise that you'll never drop this story!
P.S. I don't think Pinkie Pie will be as forgiving if you broke her promise a second time
I have already Pinkie Promised, multiple times, not to drop this story. Dropping it now would be like breaking at least ten Pinkie Promises simultaneously. Breaking one by accident is one thing, but TEN? I'm not that suicidal.
I'll try and have it out soon. I have my own personal cheerleader/slavedriver encouraging me to write more, so hopefully it'll be out soon - and by 'soon', I actually mean soon, not my usual definition of 'soon', which actually means 'eventually'.
I'm glad you think of us that way!
Well I'm actually glad that you missed your deadline last week, otherwise you'd have distracted me from my APs
*Not that ponies don't already do that
Well, off to get distracted by Deadpool now
Reporting for duty. Get to work.
(waves pom-poms) Whoo. Go team.
Hey, are you still letting others write MLA stories? Cause I want to do the Fantastic Four (you mentioned the thing like a dozen times or something) vs The Red Goat (Red Ghost) and his squad of Super Apes!