I'm... considering something drastic, of late. · 3:09am Apr 18th, 2013
In light of recent events here on this site, from other users, directed at fellow writers... I'm considering leaving the fandom.
This doesn't mean ceasing writing, nor reading. But I wouldn't be attending Bronycon after this year. I'd also finally be the last of the originals to hang up my hat on pre-reading, leaving it to everybody else that's come after me.
I am tired. I am weary. I thought this place, this fandom, would be a safe haven for us to love each other. To live by the values and virtues shown in the show. Is that so wrong? Is that truly so terrible?
... It's hard to leave something you've invested so much time and money and blood and sweat and tears into... but if that's what I've gotta do... that's what I'll do. My happiness and sanity come first. This fandom... is secondary.
I think I missed something, what's up? Wouldn't want you to abandon this fandom dude!
Seems like there's been a lot of bad blood going around ever since the season ended. Not something I want to see in a show that's so uplifting.
Hate to see you go. I hope you might reconsider once enough time passes. Time can heal wounds given enough care.
Whatever you end up deciding, god speed.
You remember how Chat got death threats previously? yeah, some fuckers decided not to stop, and were using throwaway e-mail addresses to continue the harassment and threats. Chat's so bitter that she's done. It's because of those threats that nothing was done about them that I'm thinking of just... well, dialing back. A lot. Like I said, I wouldn't stop reading and writing, but something like Bronycon just wouldn't be worth it anymore. The fandom's gleefully turning on anything they percieve as an 'other'. I thought we'd be better than that. I guess I thought wrong.
I think a break would be a good thing, yeah.
1016479 That whole thing with Chatoyance was pretty bad... and there's only so much we could do over here on that end. I'm sorry it went sour and ended up hurting her and yourself.
As much as I agree with you, I have to admit, it was a bit of a long shot to think that something like Friendship is Magic would abruptly about face the long-ingrained nature of the internet. But, I'll say this, friend: Don't give in when it's this dark. Take a break, sure, everyone has their limits and needs to rest from time to time. But giving in is letting those kind of people win. I'm not giving up on the things I've learned and the friends I've made through this fandom. And if I can (and they'll let me), I'll lend a shoulder to help 'em keep going
Just give me a shout if you ever need to talk buddy
I see this happen a lot. People approach a new internet subculture looking for a "safe haven" and eventually are worn down by the drama that inevitably crops up. I don't think you'll ever find that haven you're looking for, but you could still do far worse than this fandom.
Just don't forget about your friends! D:
I feel awful that I've been hanging in the back of the fandom the past few years, and now that I finally jump in to the world of fanfic and find the water to be fine... the very people who got me into ponies in the first place are being driven away by the rest of the fandom.
The good people of any group will always outnumber the bad ones. Remember that for every hater, there's a hundred others --myself included-- wishing you well and doing what we can.
Love ya, dude.
How can I ever forget you? You guys have seen me through a lot.
It's the drama that's driving me nuts, really. If it ain't one thing, it's another.
The problem lies in that the bad ones are willing to go to great lengths just to make someone else's life hell. But friends like you help, believe me.
Aye, when it rains it pours...
*holds an umbrella over Noble's head* S'good to have paws and thumbs
Noble, if people like you leave, then that just decreases the amount of "good" on average. There's still a lot of great folks in this fandom, and they'll miss you if you go.
You don't have to hang around on my account, or anyone's for that matter, but I don't think you'd be happy if you surrendered to the faceless horde. There's a reason they're faceless - they're cowards - and you're better than that.
A vacation? Sure. We all need one. Go enjoy a pony-free life for a little while. But come back soon, k?