So the new stuff with the site · 3:45pm Apr 1st, 2013
I know it's April Fool's da and as such what I'm about to talk about may be totally pointless.Oh well.
So I read this and for the most part I'm like "Whatever."
Then I saw this paragraph:
Now on to a more controversial change. From tomorrow onwards, no new human fics may be submitted to the site. This includes Human in Equestria fics, humanized fics, and any fics about the future Equestria Girls show (may be subject to change). As usual this is not retroactive so your current stories are safe. I understand this change is unlikely to be received well by the majority of our users, but I do believe that in the long run it will be healthier for the site. Humanized fics tend to cause nothing but issues, both for the users and the moderation team.
REALLY? We have sex and gore tags, and foalcon clopfics here and you ban Human-in-Equestria? Are you serious?
Understand me: Aside from My Little Dashie (which is, apparently, required reading for bronies) I don't like HiE/humanized fics much, Hell, I avoid them. I still don't think they should be banned. I don't buy that these sorts of stories cause the site moderators more of a headache than anything else... the ban just feels like the new management just doesn't like them.