• Member Since 26th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2016


More Blog Posts21

  • 554 weeks
    So... I'm Drunk~ So drunk the world is rotating 180 degrees backwards, and it took me nearly 10 minutes to write this...

    Ask me a question, suggest me a story, and otherwise give me things to do, cuz I'm impaired. Alcohol doesn't mix well with other drugs, just an fyi~

    5 comments · 774 views
  • 592 weeks
    Study Buddies Gettin' Canned

    Hey everyone, I hate to say this (really really do) but I'm officially abandoning Study Buddies. It's not because it's a crappy story with too many frayed ends, plot holes, basic grammatical problems, cliche and mostly flat characters and a general lack of actual substance (though all of those are true, the damn thing is FUBAR), It's because I personally don't like writing it. It's a fic that

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    14 comments · 936 views
  • 607 weeks
    The False King is Crowned!

    Hey everyone! This is to announce that the sequel to Grimoire has been submitted! The first two chapters will be available as soon as it gets through the whole process, I certainly hope that you all enjoy and I really look forward to hearing what you guys think so far. Other than that, welcome to my incredibly weird update schedule once again, although now my stories are being graciously

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    1 comments · 676 views
  • 614 weeks
    Hey there!

    The only reason for this blog is to kinda keep people up to date with me. It's been over a month since I've really accomplished anything, so I figured I'd let you all know that I haven't been a total slacker this whole time. I've been working on several little one-shot projects, but finally have settled on one in particular. It's not a one-shot anymore, rather a collection of seven one-shots

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    7 comments · 723 views
  • 619 weeks

    I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first, but the extra $19.99 US for FimFiction Gold® Membership has been absolutely worth it. I must say, my favorite feature of the service has got to be the 24/7 live webcam stream of Knighty's bedroom. That is one unbelievably active space, I tell ya. Anyway, if you don't have one yet, I very much recommend going out of your way to purchase an

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    9 comments · 775 views

Gold · 6:35am Apr 1st, 2013

I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first, but the extra $19.99 US for FimFiction Gold® Membership has been absolutely worth it. I must say, my favorite feature of the service has got to be the 24/7 live webcam stream of Knighty's bedroom. That is one unbelievably active space, I tell ya. Anyway, if you don't have one yet, I very much recommend going out of your way to purchase an upgrade to your account; you can do so by sending an IM to any of the website's administrators requesting an audience with Knighty so that your worthiness can be determined. This will be done in live webcam chat, this is normal. If you don't have access to a webcam, you'll need to get one before sending any requests for Gold Membership, I recommend This One, once purchased and installed, send your IM to the respective administrator of your choice, but here's the trick: Not everyone gets in, only those who prove their patience. Patience is, after all, a virtue, so you must send three, and exactly three IMs to your administrator. If they don't respond or if they ban you, this is normal, just track down their email addresses (this can be done by visiting the site without logging in and clicking on the contact information) and send them three more emails. Be sure to caption each one "Shut Up and Take My Money".

Before you know it you'll have a FimFiction Gold® Membership just like me. Your stories come to life within just a few short months as the top team of FimFiction Gold® Animators create flash versions of each story written by a Gold user, and are only visible to other Gold users. The top corner of the website becomes a view into Knighty's private life, and his tax information is for your own private viewing via a live feed in the bottom right corner. On top of that, you'll be given the option of a free and legal keylogger to send to any person within this website of your choosing, which will then retrieve all of that person's information for you. I hope you all enjoy FimFiction Gold® as much as I have, and I sincerely look forward to seeing you at the bi-weekly shrimp cocktail and caviar social!

Report Samsara · 775 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

I plan to get mine sometime tomorrow. I have some friends who have it and it sounds pretty nice.

964793 Now why would I go and do a thing like that?

Gold team rules!

The webcam feed truly is the best feature.:trollestia:

Luckily, thanks to being in the same country as Knighty, I was able to get mine for a discounted price of just £13.00, I have yet to be given my status as a Gold fimfiction member, but have been assured that it shall come later on today.

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

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