• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2018


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  • 573 weeks
    In Her Blood is Back

    Hey guys,

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  • 585 weeks
    The Shadow of a Doubt

    Hi guys!

    Okay, long story short, I realise I've been pretty useless these last few months in terms of actually putting out fresh poni-words. However, I've finally gotten back on the horse dammit gotten back to the keyboard and finished up that one-shot I've been talking about for years.

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  • 591 weeks
    A Progress Report, and In Her Blood info!

    Bonjour peoples.

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  • 600 weeks
    Not-deadness, new stories and rusty turnips.

    Hey guys,

    I'm back, in typical Ardensfax fashion, a month too late with a pack of excuses. I'll simply say this, however; screw exams. Screw exams in every available orifice with a rusty turnip. Okay, I think I got that out of my system; basically, exams are over, things are easing off a little, and story stirrings are happening. Assuming anyone's still here.

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  • 610 weeks
    In Her Blood - Possible Hiatus


    First off, to those of you following In Her Blood, an apology and a reassurance: For the apology, yes, there's a good chance that IHB will be going on hiatus for a little while. For the reassurance, I'm not losing interest in writing it (by any stretch of the imagination), and it should be back in just over a month.

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In Her Blood - Possible Hiatus · 5:18pm Mar 30th, 2013


First off, to those of you following In Her Blood, an apology and a reassurance: For the apology, yes, there's a good chance that IHB will be going on hiatus for a little while. For the reassurance, I'm not losing interest in writing it (by any stretch of the imagination), and it should be back in just over a month.

To explain a bit further; right now, I'm in full-on Twilight mode. It's getting into the dreaded month before a bunch of pretty major exams (as British people in their late teens will probably be aware, May/June is A Level time) and during this time, it's pretty much impossible to do much beyond studying. These exams are pretty much going to dictate whether I get into the university I want or not, so naturally, they're a fairly big deal. Truth be told, I'd (much) rather be writing ponyfics, but I do tend to spend a lot of time on each chapter, and I can't really justify investing chunks of time of that size. The alternative is snatching ten-minute writing sessions of half a paragraph each, which naturally doesn't lead to much in the way of quality and makes the delay between chapters utterly ridiculous.

Many of you have probably noticed the horribly slowed-down update rate lately, and as you've probably gathered from my blog posts, the main reason for that slowness is because, right now, there aren't really enough hours in the day for me to do writing and exam revision. There's nothing I hate more than watching stories and blogs die out in a gradually thinning hail of "sorry for the delay guys" posts, and the last thing I want is for In Her Blood to become one of those, which is why I'm posting this to let you know exactly what's going on.

However, it's not all bad. Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, I'll be able to resume as soon as the exams are over. There are 2 in May and 2 in June, so I'll be able to resume after the May ones, because they're what's causing the majority of the workload right now. Secondly, I'm going to read over the story from the start again, probably make a few revisions and fixes, and clarify in my head regarding where I want it to go. I know its destination, but taking a break will give me a chance to plot a course there, so to speak, meaning that when I start writing it again, I'll have a much clearer idea of where it's headed. (In turn, that should mean faster updates.)

Thirdly, between now and May, there's a good chance I'll write a couple of one-shots. It's nice to take a break from big story arcs for one thing, and for another thing I can write them over longer periods of time without the nagging feeling that I'm leaving people hanging. I've had a few plans for a while, and now seems like a good time to try and get them written, because that way I'll have a more relaxing writing project that doesn't contribute to the general pressure.

So yeah; I'm not disappearing, and we'll probably be seeing one more chapter of IHB before I decide 100% on going from long-time-between-updates to an actual hiatus. Also, to the people who've messaged me and I've not gotten back to yet, this is basically why. :facehoof: I can only apologize; I've kind of been avoiding the site a bit lately because I feel pretty bad about the way the story's been tailing off due to all the aforementioned IRL nonsense. You've probably realized by now that when I have too much to do I stress out, start running around in small circles and get literally none of it done because this is how I logic. I will get back to you ASAP, and sorry once again.


Report Ardensfax · 810 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Well, keep us posted on how you do with the exams

Yes, Twilight is very very adorable in that picture ^___^

Thank you for letting us know what is going on - it's a shame the exams are so far apart, and that it sounds it will be a long time before we get updates...but you said we probably would get at least one more chapter before you really got busy; and at any rate, I could understand why you would be busy with your school work which, indeed, is more important.

Do your best, and we'll patiently receive what you can give when you can give it - we're not going anywhere :twilightsmile:

Study away, a few months of hiatus for a lifetime of getting into the right career is a worthy tradeoff. :derpytongue2: Do well, keep us posted with your stories of success, and we'll wait right here for you. :twilightsmile:

I know that feel exactly, being in exam time myself. Sparkle always does the trick, does she not? :raritywink:
Good on you for working and good luck with getting into uni. :twilightsmile:
Also, love the story!

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