Drawings or not Drawings... that's the question... · 11:24pm Mar 14th, 2013
Hiya everypony...
I was wondering if you liked the pics I added to the latest chapter of TWOT.
I really enjoy doing so, since well, I wanted this to be a comic, so maybe it could be a graphic novel or sort lol (yeah right, a graphic novel lacking graphics) xD
But what you think? Do you like, or maybe not? Or just don't mind? Maybe you feel as I'm insulting your imagination?
Lemme know, not like I'm taking your advice srsly, just because I'm curious... LMAO
Well thanks for readin'
Regards ; )
They are great, more pics.
To this day, your cover picture for "The Wonders of Time" is one of the best Sparity ones I've seen.
More is better

Loved them
Wouldn't mind some drawings throw into the story. Will save me the imagination to pretend what they look like
I thought they were awesome!
Please, ma'am... I want some more
More heartmelting and hilarious Sparity! We demand it!
Yes, your drawings are beautiful, please have more.
However, please scale your pictures before putting them in. I am a big fan of downloading whole stories as html files as i find it to be an easier read. The problem with this is that the format gets completely fucked up if there are pictures within story and becomes practially impossible to read on an ipad.
mhhmm right, I will do so then, darling... ; ) and thanks for your advice.
why thankya! I'm glad you all like
Who said I liked it?
hmmm so should I have said "nice you didn't dislike it" instead? mmmm?
You never said if I loved it...
hmmm you're right, maybe I should have been more specific, my apologies