• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2018


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  • 571 weeks
    In Her Blood is Back

    Hey guys,

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  • 584 weeks
    The Shadow of a Doubt

    Hi guys!

    Okay, long story short, I realise I've been pretty useless these last few months in terms of actually putting out fresh poni-words. However, I've finally gotten back on the horse dammit gotten back to the keyboard and finished up that one-shot I've been talking about for years.

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  • 590 weeks
    A Progress Report, and In Her Blood info!

    Bonjour peoples.

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  • 599 weeks
    Not-deadness, new stories and rusty turnips.

    Hey guys,

    I'm back, in typical Ardensfax fashion, a month too late with a pack of excuses. I'll simply say this, however; screw exams. Screw exams in every available orifice with a rusty turnip. Okay, I think I got that out of my system; basically, exams are over, things are easing off a little, and story stirrings are happening. Assuming anyone's still here.

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  • 609 weeks
    In Her Blood - Possible Hiatus


    First off, to those of you following In Her Blood, an apology and a reassurance: For the apology, yes, there's a good chance that IHB will be going on hiatus for a little while. For the reassurance, I'm not losing interest in writing it (by any stretch of the imagination), and it should be back in just over a month.

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I fail somewhat... · 10:47pm Mar 11th, 2013

Or rather, King Richard III caused me to fail.

Yeah, pretty weird way of starting a post, but those of you following In Her Blood have probably noticed a slight problem with it. Specifically, it's not updating, and hasn't been for a couple of weeks.

Just to reassure you guys; I'm still alive, and the story's not cancelled or hiatus'd. Basically, I do much of my writing at weekends. Unfortunately, the last three weekends have consisted of (British) Mothers' Day, going halfway across the country to see a play, and going halfway across the country in the other direction to see a facial reconstruction of a 700-year-old King who was recently discovered under a car park by people who think he wasn't the murderous nutter history has remembered him as. For those of you who don't live in Britain, yep, it's that strange sometimes.

But I digress. To cut a long story short, my last three weekends have been writing-free. Unfortunately, they've also been work-free so weekdays have become catching-up time, which hasn't left much time for writing. All in all, I've been lucky to squeeze in a few paragraphs in between the chaos. But the chapter is now done and nearly edited, and it should be posted up within the next few days. The one after that is also a couple of thousand words in at the moment, so it won't take nearly as long.

Sorry once again for the delay, I don't have any intention of letting it happen again, unless of course they find any more kings under the local parking lot. I hope it's worth the wait, at an rate.

Pony on, etc.

Report Ardensfax · 645 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Looking forward to the chapter!

No apolgies necessary. We love your writing, so we are willing to wait a while. Anyways, I heard about the skeleton finding, and yeah, Britain may be strange, but it doesn't even begin to top america's stupidity. Three examples

1.our answer to a way to getting a new budget plan; put in a bill that would cut military, health care, college spending, ect., but NOT governer's salary.

2. only about 7 weeks ago did the last of the 50 states ratify the amendment that made slavery
and my favorite
3. The government would to increase a woman's self-esteem at one point (not sure if it's still the case) pay for the woman to get a nose job or other forms of plastic surgery

Damn, I haven't even been reading this. So, up next...

Funny thing about Richard III. He is only vilified because of the Shakespeare play...which was made at the behest of a royal family who make said vilification a part of their political power.
Writings from foreign affairs paint a different picture, but all the same, the REAL Richard III is probably laughing himself silly at his own portrayal.
Determined to play the villain indeed.

I don't know about others, but I'm patient, and looking forward to what train wrecks may result from Twilight's progressive techno-arcane approach to romance.

It's perfectly alright - you don't have to apologize for having responsibilities....sure, I'm looking forward to the story, but it can't be helped if you have bigger things on your plate :pinkiesmile:.

Take your time, don't rush, and post the chapter when it's good and ready - we aren't going anywhere :raritywink:

As so many other have said, a great author is always worth waiting for. When it comes out we'll be ecstatic, but don't make it detract you from life - we don't want one of our best writers burning himself out!

Britain...strange? :rainbowhuh: Well, I'd expect nothing less from the nation that gave us Top Gear and The Doctor. :twilightsmile: Part of its charm really. :raritywink:

Ive heard of the news post about the lost king found under that parking lot in England!:raritystarry: pretty wild news. That one got my attention when I saw it, but :twilightsmile:anyway always rooting for ya and cant wait till your new story comes out. bro-hoof*

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