Important news · 10:58pm Mar 10th, 2012
I'll speak clear: next chapter of "My Little Broly" will take a while. Reasons:
1) First and most important, I'm trying to send the story to EqD. See, english isn't my native language. Since I want it to be as perfect as possible, I'm getting proofreaders from Ponychan and Saltblock blog. Thanks to the last one (guys from our lovely pony board are always busy and haven't answered me yet, I don't blame them), I'm seeing mistakes I didn't see before (for example, one guy said to me that I tell a lot instead showing, a problem I really want to solve...keep reading). But I need more help. So, please, I need your help guys. Any of you that wants to help me proofreading the three chapters published so far, send me a private message. Only if you're good with grammar and spelling, please understand it. When all three chapters are reviewed (and edited by myself), I'll send the story and cross my fingers.
2) Applejack. I don't know how to write her way of speaking, you know, Texan accent. I've read a lot of stories involving her, but sometimes she speaks like a "normal" pony (fail) and the rest of them...well, it depends. Heck, it varies way too much from erasing "g" from verbs that end with that letter to a heavily strong accent, so I'm totally lost. I also need your help here, specially from texan guys (any of you with that nacionality, or relatives and friends from this state about their way of speking you know). So, private message as well, please.
The sooner you help me, the sooner I can polish the story from coal to a beutiful diamond and send it to Seth domains, as well as continuing it after that. I'm not trying to be rude, it's only that this story is too special for me and I want it to be...well, perfect. I really thank you for your support (a smile threatens to break my face when I post a new chapter and I see new comments and new trackings), what encourages me to keep trying to be better each time. You're really wonderful, and because of that, I'm asking for your help now. Would you give it to me, please?
So! "Bad" news over. Some good ones now: remember when I talked about a shipfic I was going to write someday? I've decided to start it while MLB is being reviewed and edited. Hopefully, the first chapter will be posted in a few days. I hope you like it (and will be very pleased if that happens).
Until next time, my awesome readers. You know you are.