• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 4th, 2020


Holy shit I keep forgetting this place is even a thing. I should probably do some stuff on here...

More Blog Posts87

  • 565 weeks
    $5 says none of you remember me. XD

    Hey there all you various people and other things that have followed me over the insanely long time I've been on here. My life has been an absolute roller coaster over the past... 6? 10 months? I don't even know the last time I made one of these bloody things. It is a really long story, but suffice it to say I've done an awful lot of soul searching and just living of life in general.

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    10 comments · 801 views
  • 620 weeks
    Sneak Peek of some HUGE News (EQD Level Stuff)

    I cannot even begin to express how excited I am right now. I now have the opportunity to work with some MAJOR names in the Brony fandom. Names such as AcousticBrony, ArtAttack, Forest Rain, Cyril the Wolf, SocraticBrony, and perhaps even The Living Tombstone (still waiting on feedback from him). Some time in this coming week, y'all are going to be seeing an announcement on EQD and the Everfree

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  • 621 weeks
    For those of you with Tumblrs + Real updates on Life!

    I'm running a little contest!

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  • 622 weeks
    A Challenge Issued.

    I have started a little bet with Tumblr. I would oh so love to be impressed. If you guys want to take part in this, you'd better head over here. Comments on fimfiction don't count afterall.

    3 comments · 546 views
  • 622 weeks
    Please take the time to read this.

    In a way, this is my reaction on the finale, but this is also something a bit more important than that. During the episode, there came a point when Celestia sang a song. At the time I thought it was cool and pretty well written. Just a few minutes ago, I listened to the song again. Here is the song:

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SRS BSNS · 4:31pm Jan 31st, 2013

I am about to do something brilliantly stupid. Something so stupid, it might just be smart. Maybe.

I am opening commissions again, but this time, I'm doing it stupidly.

You see, I am attempting to fund my way to BronyCon this fall, and I currently have a bit of free time on my hands. If I can make $200 in commissions each week, then I won't have to bother with a job. Now, as you might imagine, this is going to be difficult. So, since high quality commissions can take in upwards of a week, I will instead go for quantity. Simple sketches starting at $2 and going up with complexity and such. Lineart will be $3. Color will add a bit, and shading a little more. The real thing that adds to cost is the number of subjects in a pic. However, I will do my best to keep the prices as low as possible for you guys. These pictures do not have to be MLP related, but I will not be doing any NSFW, so get those thoughts right out of your head right now.

This is a limited time offer, depending on how successful this is. Please advertise this to your friends and help me get to BronyCon!

Help me my faithful readers, you are my only hope.

Report inoeitall · 546 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Ya just had to end it on a Star Wars reference, huh? :ajsmug:
Might have a job for ya if I can figure out the details.


That's no Star Wars reference...

OK, so it totally is, but can you really blame me?:twilightsheepish:

777621 You're talking to me, Sean, Lee, Thomas and Ben every day. I'd be surprised if we didn't influence your with references.

You see, I am attempting to fund my way to BronyCon this fall

Well I wish I could go to Germany and to the Galacon in upcoming August. I do have the necessary funds, but it's just around the time when I need to study for my final exams :ajbemused:

And how would we go about hiring ya?

I'd ask for one, but I know neither your level of skill, nor what exactly I'd want, so... yeah.

777621 That one hurts even more than the first one. :P

And them ads have been advertized out to the advertisers for advertisement.

778285 Well, I can't help you figure out what you want, but I can attest to his abilities. He drew my profile pic as a quick little thing. He's pretty good. :pinkiehappy:


Well, that's one issue resolved.


As for hiring me, just shoot me a PM. From there we can either continue via PMs or move to Skype.

I need Feb. 11th to come faster so I can apply for a job already. Until then, I'll only have a few bucks left in my account which I might need for other things. If I don't need them, then you could possibly expect one from me. Happehface.

I really want a pic of my main OC in my multi-chapter story. I made a sketch, but I'm too lazy to try to color it in a Paint program. I also have no idea how to send you money, so that's a problem.:applejackunsure:

Oh well I guess.

This sounds like an awesome offer.
I will totally take you up on this...
...as soon as I figure out what I want drawn.
Gonna have to be something from my (one and only) fanfic, but I don't know which moment.
but.... limited time...:raritydespair:
and indecisive.....:rainbowderp:

How limited is the time, exactly?

And how much for, say, a full colour with shading and all that, and background, and 3 subjects?

I pay fair price whether the artist says so or not. onrpgblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/take-my-money.jpg
Well, as fair as my broke student budget allows. Woo!
(but 3$? Really? Have some business sense, man! You can't keep undercharging like that!)


Heh, I know that feeling man. As for "limited time" I mean that if this doesn't go well, I'll stop doing it. However, seeing as how I've already done a few commissions and I seem to have a few more coming in, I'll probably keep it up till I either feel like I should charge more, or run out of things to draw. Now, if you saw my list of art projects, you'd see that the latter option will not be happening any time soon. :twilightsheepish: Don't worry about me undercharging either. If a picture is going to take a lot of effort and time, then the price will change to reflect that. Since it is more fun to do little short sketches, that's what I'm marketing more of.

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