• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 27th, 2014

Bombastic Bookpony

More Blog Posts10

  • 663 weeks

    Check out my account Some short stories, pony and otherwise, will be posted there. They will also be posted here, at the 30 Minute Pony Stories blog, where esteemed authors like Donny's Boy, Norse Pony, Baby Seal Burritos, Kyronea, myself, and more will write pony fics during a 30 minute

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    1 comments · 746 views
  • 665 weeks
    4th chapter of Still Alive done!

    Now all I need is my editor to return from vacation(which should be soon) and we'll be set!

    4 comments · 600 views
  • 665 weeks
    So, I tried submitting Still Alive to EQD...

    And all I can say is that this fic describes it perfectly. Didn't work out, though it seems I was close! So I edit it, wait a bit, edit it again, and try, try again!

    1 comments · 554 views
  • 668 weeks
    Still Alive

    Those who are watching may have noticed( and if you haven't, that's the reason I made this blog post) two things. One, the name has changed. The last one sounded stupid, so I removed the 'and finally' even if it makes the story sound like a Portal homage. Two, I've made some revisions to chapter 1, and by revisions I mean LARGE. FREAKING. CHANGES. Prince Gumball, tell them how large these changes

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  • 673 weeks
    Sorry for not updating my stories; blame ME3 Or 'DA FUCK WAZ THAT ENDING'

    You may have noticed that I haven't updated my stories in a while. Well, blame Mass Effect 3. Game totally took over man. It was ruining my social life, i just ignored the world. It was hilarious, it was sad, it was heartwarming, it was the best game ever....... until the ending. Three words.


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    9 comments · 548 views

Wow. · 5:02am Mar 4th, 2012

My Little Scrubs; Medicine is Magic. Five chapters. Up for about a week. Planned it, invested hard work, time, and love into it. The most views a chapter has gotten is 313, 34 likes, 0 dislikes, 7 favorites.

Flutterrants. One chapter. Put up today. Wrote it in an inspired rush in reaction to the new episode. Spur of the moment, wrote what came to me. It has 441 views, 40 likes, 1 dislike, and 16 favorites! I didn't expect such a positive reaction to it guys! But please, I put a lot of work into my other story, so please, if you've watched Scrubs, hell, even if you haven't, go check it out and give it a try too! Chapter 4 has some of that delicious angst you guys love! And for those few who read My Little Scrubs, check out Flutterrants! It's pretty good if I say so myself.

Report Bombastic Bookpony · 498 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

I've been reading my little scrubs since you started it and I really enjoy it. I want to punch Dr Cox, but I think everyone does at some point. At least until he does something redeeming and nice. So he's perfectly in character, all the characters are in fact.

I enjoyed Flutterants too, as I said in my comment, I wish they had included that in the actual episode. I dunno if you might do a sequel, titled unexpected consequences, where all of Fluttershy's friends have a good look at themselves and decide they should fix some of the flaws in their lives. Rainbow Seeks out Gilda, Twilight goes back to Canterlot to see her parents and talk with both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Rarity and Pinkie Pie, indulge in some secret hobby or past time that makes them feel good. Something they both always wanted to try but never had the drive to, until now. Basically something that will make them feel more like their living worthwhile lives.

Just an idea, but I think you could probably pull off this idea really well. Based on how well and in character you are with My little Scrubs & Flutterants

Also I know how surprised you feel. I'm surprised my story. The Dark Eternal Night is getting such a popular following., It's now my most tracked story ^^

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