Putting your Hoof Down · 7:08pm Mar 3rd, 2012
Assertive!Fluttershy is by far best Fluttershy. Finally, other ponies call her out on being a doormat, and it is shown Flutterbitch was in there all along and not created by Discord. I was laughing throughout. I do hope the new classy, quiet assertiveness she's supposed to have sticks. Please oh please let it stick.
Also, more Pinkie and Rarity hanging out. Yay! I love that pair. They have such a good dynamic. Guess they bonded on that trip at the end of the Last Roundup. Loved the "Rabbit season! Duck Season!" thing Pinkie had the whole time. They did seem vaugely racist due to calling Iron Will a monster all the time. I'm just nitpicking. I aslo loved that scene where Fluttershy went all Angry!Flanders and tore apart Rarity and Pinkie. I've been waiting for a scene like that from any of the Mane 6 for awhile. I teared up a little for poor Raity and Pinkie. And I gotta admit, the following scene, where Fluttershy sadly walks to the house and boards it up, clouds grey, I almost cried. I got shivers. I probably would've cried if they strecthed it out longer.
Iron Will didn't seem nearly as bad as other antagonists, such as Trixie and the Flim Flam Bros. Didn't do anything wrong, really. He only taught something that actually does work and wanted money. And in the end when he didn't get it, he didn't freak out or anything, wreck her house, etc. He was just dejected. Guy doesn't deserve to be called a monster. That's probably the only thing about this episode that bugged me, that and no Twi, Dash, and AJ to get hurt by Fluttershy too.
I'm really surprised. I loved this episode, despite it starring my least favorite pony, Fluttershy. One of my favs, right behind Lesson Zero, Return of Harmony, and Party of One. It was hilarious throughout and touched my heartstrings magnificently. I just really hope Flutters' character development sticks.