• Member Since 4th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 8th, 2014


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  • 579 weeks
    I wish my firends weren't so close minded.

    I really wish my friends weren't so close minded.
    I told them I liked the show a while ago, can't remember exactly how but it was around the same time I joined this site (January).
    I finaly chained one to a chair and made her watch half a episode just so she could stop thinking I watched a show like G1.

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  • 588 weeks
    Must...resist...theme song....

    So, hello again everypony!
    I am going to tell you about the thrilling thing that happened to me last saterday.
    I have a little cousin, she's really really cute, and it just so happens she likes mlp. There I was, fearlessly baby sitting her, she was waching tv.
    I walked in, and the theme song for mlp was playing. Does anyone else feel conpelled to at least hum to the theme song?

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  • 589 weeks
    first post ;)

    so...hello bronies, pegasisters, all people over 9 who like mlp, (don't worry, I'm one of them!)

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Must...resist...theme song.... · 1:30pm Jan 20th, 2013

So, hello again everypony!
I am going to tell you about the thrilling thing that happened to me last saterday.
I have a little cousin, she's really really cute, and it just so happens she likes mlp. There I was, fearlessly baby sitting her, she was waching tv.
I walked in, and the theme song for mlp was playing. Does anyone else feel conpelled to at least hum to the theme song?
I was about to leave, before I did somthing stupid when she turned around and asked me to sit next to her. Man she is cute, so I sat with her, and i sort of did a hum-ish thing under my breath. When the theme song was over, she was all, "Dat one is cawled Applejack, and dat one iz cawled Wainborw Dash.." ect ect.
Here we are, fellow Bronies and Pegasisters. Writing dirty horror stories about these characters, and three year olds have no idea.
They don't think about the love intrests of Applejack and Rainbow, they don't see sextual tension, they see.....They element of honesty and the element of loyalty.
They don't see that Celestia have a perverted side, they see her as Twilights mother figure, not crush.
Every now and again, All members of the pegasister and brony universe, should step back, and just see the show from a three year olds perspective.
The show is meant to teach people about friendship. Not freaky cupcake killers and trollestia.
thank you, and good night.

Who am i kidding? Thats's why it's so fun killing off all the characters!
Oh, this post was not meant to offend anyone, in anyway, so, if you're offended, I'm sorry!

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Comments ( 1 )

.....I have no comment except this: What episode were you watching? Was it the pilot?

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