Cover update and possible other fic · 7:25am Jan 5th, 2013
Hiya everpony!
Just wanted you to know I'm working on a new cover formy story, Your love is my anchor, because the one it has currently it doesn't exactlyrepresentswhat the story is about, specially when we're talking about Spike, in my story he's a bit grown up so i have to show that in the cover, too.
Hope having it finished this weekend...
And also, I'm writing another fic, this one would happen in an alternate universe, with humanized versions of everypony. I want to make a kind of graphic novel, although issue my lacking of time I won't be able to make all the drawings i would, but i will try to make few about some nice moments i'd like to portray. It will be Sparity, also, but this time, I really like Rarity having a crush on Spike, so I will make something to turn the story to that side. More funny and romantic story, so while it will be still sparity it will be rather different. Alternate universe add other elements to play, too.
That is, thanks for following me and well hope you'll like what i have for you.
Have nice day!