• Member Since 3rd May, 2024
  • offline last seen 17 minutes ago


Just a sonic fan and a friendship is magic fan who wants to make fun stories!

More Blog Posts146

  • Thursday
    So, i have a idea for a new story.

    I was inspired by another story on here for a crossover.

    Let me know what you think?

    25 comments · 39 views
  • Wednesday
    Spike x Rarity

    So, I woke up this morning in a shipping mood. And the first ship that came to mind is...well, Spike x Rarity. The haters can whine all they want, I love this ship!

    Also, I imagine that Spike would sing this song for Rarity. And it fits their dynamic pretty well.

    Read More

    4 comments · 21 views
  • Tuesday
    So...hear me out.

    So...what would you guys say if the main 6 got called to solve a friendship problem...caused by these guys.

    11 comments · 26 views
  • 6 days
    So...i need to address something

    I've noticed that not alot of my stories don't get comments in them. I mean, if you don't like something on one of my stories, let me know. Feed back is great to have. Don't just hit the thumbs down button and leave it at that. Or if you like something, say what you like about it. Thanks for reading. Just wanted to say that

    13 comments · 48 views
  • 6 days
    Hey guys.

    So, a friend of mine, who gose by the name Artist, is needing some help in developing a story. And asked me to help spread word of them needing help. Here's a link to one of their stories. Pm them to let them know if you wanna help, ok?

    EChild Of Wonder
    It’s almost been 20 years since Applejack and Stevie got married, and now they are blessed with a beautiful daughter named Melody.
    Artist · 20k words · 541 views
    16 comments · 55 views

AHHHHHHH!! · 5:02pm January 24th

AHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAAAHHH!:raritystarry::pinkiehappy:

SEASON 6 LOOKS SO GOOD!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

Comments ( 22 )

And this time... we are not ALONE!!!

Could you tell I was excited?:raritystarry:

Wait:pinkiegasp:.... You're a fan too:pinkiehappy:?? I DECLARE YOU MY NEW BEST FRIEND:raritystarry: *Squeals!!:pinkiesmile:*

No, I say this because, in this season, Ladybug and Cat Noir will not be the only heroes fighting against the villains.

Also, these songs are PERFECT for this moment:

Ladybug and Cat Noir - Sonic
Rena Rouge - Tails
Caparace - Knuckles

Hawk Moth (Lila Rossi) - Shadow

Ah, the heroes’ outfits went through some upgrades, and the show’s looking like the movie

Aw thanks! I accept!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Good cast. One change. Make Rouge the bat hawk moth instead.

Yeah! I'm so excited for this!:pinkiehappy:

I dunno, Dr. Eggman strikes me more as Hawk Moth

Gabriel agreste hawk moth, yes.
Lila Ross hawk moth, more likely Rouge. Lila is literally a villain version rouge.

Also, Shadow would definitely be Felix, no question.

Wait, what about Zeena? She’d be more likely to be Hawk Moth

She’s one of those who’s actually evil. Rouge is more anti-hero material since she’s on team dark

Would it be odd if Silver was Bunnyx or Viperion?

Oh silver would definitely be Bunnyx!

Would Amy be Vesperia or Minitaurox? Would Cream be Pigella or Polymouse

I would see Amy as Vesperia, and Cream as Polymouse

Okay. Would Rouge or Blaze be Purple Tigress?

I say Blaze. It fits her more.

It’s a lot to think about

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