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Mobile freaking sucks. All fanfic writing endeavors on hiatus until I own at least a laptop. Committed to the blogs.

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Songs from the Cage #126: GLAZE/WoodenToaster - Beyond Her Garden · 4:36am January 24th

From the 2017 album Wooden Toaster

Time to please the Deck. (Mostly since I already used my favorite song from him on a different day recently)

Art Source

Today in History
Album/Song Releases
Movie Releases
TV Show Airings
Game Releases
Book Releases
Celebrity Birthdays
YouTuber Izzzyzzz turns 22 today
Rapper Jahseh Onfroy (aka XXXTENTACION) would have turned 27 today
Salad Fingers creator David Firth turns 42 today
Brony artist GLAZE/WoodenToaster has a birthday today; year unknown. (I'm sensing a pattern; the unknown ones are always Internet celebrities)
Celebrity Deaths
Guitarist Allen Collins (Lynyrd Skynyrd) died on this day in 1990 at the age of 37
Misc. Others

So... only birthdays. And one dead guy.
Since starting this "Today in History" part (and especially since adding the images) these days feel... empty. Time to fill the void with an extra song!

Bonus Song: STARSET - Dystopia

From an upcoming unnamed album; presumably 2025

I have been really into this; it is actually currently sitting at #4 on the fake 907.7 the Cage radio charts, behind Neito Han's good luck, stranger (#3) PrinceWhateverer's Holy War (#2, formerly #1) and Three Days Grace's Mayday (#1).
No idea if it's on the actual mainstream rock charts or not.

As if this blog wasn't crowded enough, I am adding a temporary new segment!
Instead of a blog with my Top Ten YouTube videos, I am going to add one from my entire playlist on YouTube titled "My Favorite YouTube Videos".
Why? Because one of the videos in my top ten is over an hour long. And another one is a two-parter from. Game Theory. And I would want to add the videos to the blog. NO ONE IS WATCHING ALL THAT.
This is better.

#148: How to Make Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Not Scary: The Official Sequel

Uploaded on November 13th, 2014 to Garrett Williamson's YouTube channel

Honestly, with this it's more for nostalgia if anything. Yeah, it's kind of funny, but it was definitely funnier when I was younger. There are a lot of videos that will come up for nostalgia only. Pretty much every Annoying Orange video, for example. I haven't watched one of those willingly for a while. This is going to screw with my algorithm.
(Despite what I just said... I still absolutely love the Balloon Boy part with "Dashing through the vents, this story makes no sense")

Comments ( 8 )

And pleased I am. Great song, duh, it's why I first paid any attention to her.
For the record, Nurse Redheart has somehow become either my third or fourth favorite, and I have absolutely no clue how that even happened, even though I've liked her for a while.

(Mostly since I already used my favorite song from him on a different day recently)

Oh, you mean WoodenToaster, not something from one of my blogs.

Other song's pretty good.

Dumb, but the best kind of dumb.


Yes, I meant the Toaster made of Wood. That's dangerous, now that I think about it. Wood can catch fire.



That is... Fascinating

There's also this, but it's more focused on Derpy, and Carrot's friendship with her, rather than just Carrot:

I also found this, pretty recently. It took an extra listen or two to grow on me:

I haven't heard "Beyond Her Garden" for a few weeks. Wooden Toaster is awesome. (I just listened to "Rainbow Factory" last night.)

"Dystopia" is cool.

Funny video is funny.

Those were both pretty good.

Rainbow Factory is awesome

Happy you enjoyed them!

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