• Member Since 3rd May, 2024
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Just a sonic fan and a friendship is magic fan who wants to make fun stories!

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  • Thursday
    So, i have a idea for a new story.

    I was inspired by another story on here for a crossover.

    Let me know what you think?

    25 comments · 38 views
  • Wednesday
    Spike x Rarity

    So, I woke up this morning in a shipping mood. And the first ship that came to mind is...well, Spike x Rarity. The haters can whine all they want, I love this ship!

    Also, I imagine that Spike would sing this song for Rarity. And it fits their dynamic pretty well.

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    4 comments · 21 views
  • Tuesday
    So...hear me out.

    So...what would you guys say if the main 6 got called to solve a friendship problem...caused by these guys.

    11 comments · 26 views
  • 6 days
    So...i need to address something

    I've noticed that not alot of my stories don't get comments in them. I mean, if you don't like something on one of my stories, let me know. Feed back is great to have. Don't just hit the thumbs down button and leave it at that. Or if you like something, say what you like about it. Thanks for reading. Just wanted to say that

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  • 6 days
    Hey guys.

    So, a friend of mine, who gose by the name Artist, is needing some help in developing a story. And asked me to help spread word of them needing help. Here's a link to one of their stories. Pm them to let them know if you wanna help, ok?

    EChild Of Wonder
    It’s almost been 20 years since Applejack and Stevie got married, and now they are blessed with a beautiful daughter named Melody.
    Artist · 20k words · 541 views
    16 comments · 55 views

So, I'm here with a important question! · 5:22am January 22nd

Me and Flora Blossom wanna know...

Who has the biggest flank?!

Comments ( 23 )

Out of who? :trixieshiftright:

Anypony. Just give a name


Out of mane six it's either gonna be:
Twi - because of the alicorn genes...

Or Rare - because she is canonically meant to be the sexiest one.

Hmm... but booties of other characters crawl through my mind too. Any of them could be really argued to be the thiccest.

What are your pics? :trixieshiftright:

Comment posted by Twilightsonic75 deleted January 22nd

Hmmm... out of the main six... I would say... Pinkie pie. She just seems like the type to shake it at a party and make it known, you know?

And out of everypony else...I say, Celestia has the biggest flank. Dude, she's FINE!😍

Oh yes! Alicorns would definitely triumph over everypony. They have the size advantage after all. :ajsmug:

Gonna be honest. I wouldn't mind if she sat on me.πŸ₯°
I'd die a happy brony.:twilightsmile:


Jezo #10 · 2 weeks ago · · ·

Definitely Celestia in my book

Jezo #11 · 2 weeks ago · · ·

But for an average sized mare? I'll go for Starlight or Fluttershy

I'd have to say Applejack
I mean have you seen a cowgirls booty? Lemme tell ya-
She's got strong apple tree kicking legs which equals one damn fine booty:raritystarry::raritywink:




Nice! A.j's got a juicy flank alright!:ajsmug:

Hmmm~ intriguing choices my friend. :twilightsmile:

sure does sugarcube!:ajsmug::raritywink:

Rainbow dash also has a sexy flank too:rainbowwild:

Fluttershy is always a fun pick. The idea that someone who is very shy and doesn't want her eyes on her has paradoxically the body type that would actually attract the most attention is very interesting one indeed. :trixieshiftright:

Oh definitely. Fluttershy can actually be surprisingly seductive if she wanted to.:rainbowlaugh:




Oh, these are really good! :raritystarry:

Hmm, I see you're member of this group over here:

[Adult group embed hidden]

There is a SFW picture thread over there, you know? Perhaps you would be interested in contributing some pictures yourself? :trixieshiftright:

Yes Fluttershy is definitely my dream mare and I'd definitely love a tribbing session with her:raritystarry:

And you know what they say -
'Its always the quiet ones' :raritywink:



What about Sunset? I think she has a sexy flank as well.:rainbowwild:

Trust me, the thread there is Amazing~




sorry to you all rear favorites but I'm sure I'm going to be hated.... the real winning award goes to

Woah Nelly/Incidental Pony

the true natural normal rear and 100% more cannon than are fantasies... Chaos pinkie is done by magic.... it's not natural or normal i should say.

Not sure if the mods knew about her true name. The rarest background pony and the only rarest overweight pony of all time. We want more fics on natural rear beauty.

Alicorns maybe taller... but unfortunately not thicker.... they are bigger for their size which their rear get a little thicker but not as thick compare to Incidental Pony... not by a long shot.

compare to the screen shot rarity is not big rear in the scene and basically if we place both pictures between celestia or luna or any alicorn.... the rear is only half of their back legs.... Incidental Pony far beyond her legs... which means she has the cannon biggest rear of all time.

Her cutie mark of incidental pony has a face cutie mark of her self... which means her talent is natural beauty. (in some countries overweight is pretty much natural beauty)

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