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  • 1 week
    State of the Writer, January 2025!

    Why-slash-how is it 2025? That's such a futuristic year, it doesn't make any sense that I could be alive during it. Yet here we are! And boy does it suck!

    Lots of people's lives are falling apart right now, so that hardly makes me unique, but mine kind of started earlier, and all the everything everywhere all the time is not helping me make things better. :B

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, January 31st!

    Happy New Year, ya filthy animals. o_o; Really squeezing it in at the finish line, aren't I?

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  • 2 weeks
    Being interviewed by the SnarkCast!

    We're live right now! I'll post the vid once it's published, for anyone who misses it.


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  • 2 weeks
    Hey, if you're feeling afraid or hopeless

    It's really weird to come here and suddenly see several prominent users talking about current events today. Because I've had every moment of said events beamed directly into my head for the past 24 hours. Though it feels like it's been the past several months.

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  • 5 weeks
    Fic recs, December 31st! Plus State of the Author 2024 and review stats!!

    Oh man, wow, how is it the end of the fucking year already? @_@ I swear this month was compressed temporally somehow. Like, I could feel time speeding up over the past couple of weeks... Maybe it's just me getting older. D: Sucks!

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Hey, if you're feeling afraid or hopeless · 4:11am January 22nd

It's really weird to come here and suddenly see several prominent users talking about current events today. Because I've had every moment of said events beamed directly into my head for the past 24 hours. Though it feels like it's been the past several months.

Here's the thing.

We get through this together.

If you give two shits about other people, if you hate the direction the USA has gone in over literally the last day, if you're feeling scared and hopeless, don't despair. That's what they want. They want you to feel powerless so that you'll sit there and do nothing. Then they can do whatever they want. That's how it works.

See, I get to be on the front lines of the "getting fucked over by the current administration" gang. Maybe not the worst fucking over, who knows, there's still 3 years, 364 days left to find out. But two years ago (well, three), this would not have been the case. I'd have just been sitting on my ass, worried out of my skull for my friends and loved ones, feeling completely helpless and unable to do anything.

My point being, I've had to learn a lot of shit about surviving in a very short period of time, and I'm hardly an expert. But if I can learn, you can too. And if you've learned, you can act. And the best way to act is with other people in your community.

So hey, here's a politics suggestion (Ooh, scary! You're not supposed to directly address politics in public! Whatever, I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm tired.) Go look up the Working Families Party. If you're white, go look up SURJ. There are probably dozens of other organizations out there doing the same kind of thing, these are just the two that I hooked up with, which is actually turning out to be a little too much to handle. So, uh, go find yourself an organization, literally anything, that's working to build power through community, and get working. (Mind the donation calls, they are relentless, it's just the way things work unfortunately.)

Worst case scenario, it'll give you something to get your mind off the fear. But the best case? Maybe we can actually drive the change we want to see in the world. We don't have to wait for nebulous forces to save us if we can save ourselves.

Comments ( 21 )
Posh #1 · 2 weeks ago · · 1 ·

Egg Salad Ingredients

Here’s what you’ll need to make this easy egg salad recipe:

  • Eggs, of course! Prepare them according to this recipe for how to make hard boiled eggs. They’ll be easy to peel and have sunny yellow yolks!
  • Mayonnaise – It makes the salad rich and creamy.
  • Dijon mustard – For tangy, peppery flavor. Feel free to sub yellow mustard if you prefer!
  • Fresh lemon juice – It adds brightness.
  • Red onion – For crunch and oniony bite.
  • Fresh herbs – Chives and dill add freshness to the salad and enhance its savory flavor.
  • And salt and pepper – To make all the flavors pop!

If you like, add some capers too. I love their salty, briny flavor in this recipe. Chopped dill pickles and a pinch of celery seed are also great add-ins.

Find the complete recipe with measurements below.


How to Make the Best Egg Salad

This egg salad recipe is simple! Cook the hard boiled eggs, then peel and chop them. Dice the red onion and chop the fresh herbs too.

Whisk together the mayo, mustard, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and mix to combine.

Just chill and season to taste before serving. That’s it!

For the best results, follow these tips:

  • Start with good hard boiled eggs. I make mine by adding the eggs to a pot of cold water and bringing the water to a boil over high heat. When it reaches a rolling boil, I remove the pot from the heat, cover it, and let the eggs sit in the hot water for 12 minutes. Then, I chill them in an ice water bath for 14 minutes before peeling. This method yields easy-to-peel eggs with yellow yolks. For more tips on making perfect hard boiled eggs, check out my hard boiled eggs recipe!
  • Maintain some texture. The best egg salad is a little chunky, with a rich, creamy dressing surrounding it. It’s ok if the egg yolks crumble a little as you fold the chopped eggs into the dressing, but don’t mash them up too much.
  • Go all in on the herbs. Fresh chives and dill add bright, oniony flavor to this recipe, and they make it feel really fresh. If you don’t have one of them, use more of the other, or add fresh parsley or green onions instead.

Find the complete recipe with measurements below.


Ways to Serve

Enjoy this egg salad straight from the bowl, or

  • scoop it up with crackers or crostini,
  • serve it over lettuce or other greens,
  • or fold it into pita or a tortilla to make a wrap.

Or make an egg salad sandwich! Pile on fixings like lettuce, sprouts, or microgreens; thinly sliced cucumber, radishes, or avocado; and/or pickled red onions.

What to Serve with an Egg Salad Sandwich

I often pair mine with a side salad for lunch. Try serving your sandwich with one of these recipes:


How long does egg salad last in the fridge?

Egg salad keeps well in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Storage Tips

For the freshest egg salad, follow these storage tips:

  • Store it in an airtight container. If you’re making egg salad sandwiches, don’t assemble them more than a few hours before you eat. If you make them too far in advance, they’ll get soggy!
  • Keep it in the fridge. It can spoil if it’s at room temperature for 2 hours or more.
  • Season to taste after chilling. I often find that this salad needs an extra pinch of salt or squeeze of lemon after it’s been in the fridge. Don’t hesitate to taste yours after chilling and pep up the flavors as needed!


More Easy Egg Recipes

If you love this recipe, try one of these easy egg dishes next:

Because of my reputation on here and because of my reputation of choosing my words and mince them like garlic, I don’t post things like that because people will hate me even more if I do, but good on you for posting those type of things.

Reykan #3 · 2 weeks ago · · 6 ·

I generally avoid that stuff here because this isn’t the place for it. It’s going to be fine. Write a bit. Talk to family(avoid the topics that bother you if you must). Go out for a nice dinner at a new restaurant you’ve never been to. Wrap up with tea or hot chocolate in bed and reread an old favorite story of yours.

The world didn’t end last time, it won’t this time, heh. Honestly, I see doomsayers and all I can think of is the comic panel of two guys with signs. One says the end is nigh. The other says this will never end, with its bearer looking at the other and saying “your optimism disgusts me”.

Exactly that’s what I’m saying, because of my reputation on here I don’t write about political stuff either because people are gonna hate me even more for that.

Since for a reason, I still can’t comprehend people really don’t like me on here. Maybe it’s just me or I’m better off not writing political blogs on here.

Comment posted by Edelgard deleted January 23rd
Georg #6 · 2 weeks ago · · 8 ·

5827310 Egg salad is a good option for these trying times. I'm really not that concerned. All the things people worried about happening the first time never really materialized (and then the virus came out of left field and smacked us all, which nobody really expected). This time, most of the panic points seem to be "It didn't happen last time, but this time for sure!" Like... No. Sit down and have an egg salad sandwich. You'll feel better about it. I'm old enough to remember the Carter years, and all the hype about "Ronnie Ray-Gun" and the constant panic from the legions of perpetual stress about all the things that he was supposedly going to do and didn't. Every four years, they come out again with new retreads of old worries.

Have some egg salad. Four years will cruise by. And the next four. And the four after that...

Posh #7 · 2 weeks ago · · ·

5827365 I also have a cask of fine amontillado sherry, if you’d like to follow me into my cellar. :twilightsmile:

Posh #8 · 2 weeks ago · · 1 ·


slipping into comments section unrelated to you, to publicly complain about how nobody likes you, is probably not the way to make people like you. idk, just a thought.

Comment posted by Edelgard deleted January 23rd

The Family Tortoni Ice Cream Treat, Now Bigot Free
Since my folks and extended family all support the coming Reich, I thought I'd take some family recipes and make them public. Starting with one I've shared elsewhere before, but could use a Pony Touch.

One 9x12 or similar cake pan or casserole dish, or a number of smaller pans.
Enough parchment paper or similar to cover the bottom and sides, like a sling.
Big ol' mixing bowl, large enough to hold a gallon of ice cream plus a few other ingredients.
Big ol' mixing spoon, sturdy enough not to snap when mixing a gallon of ice cream.
One gallon of el cheapo vanilla-esque ice cream from your local market. The cheaper the better. If they call it vanilla solely because they showed the cow a picture of a vanilla bean while milking her? Get that one. Just don't get Ice Milk (if they still make that) as you will be Sad.
One can of Minute Maid frozen lemonade.
One family package of Oreo Cookies. Here's where you might have to splurge, the store brands just don't hold up.
A few drops of green food coloring. It tastes best with green, we've tried them all.

Remove cream filling from cookies and set aside. While doing so, leave the ice cream on the counter to soften a little.
Put the cookies in the mixing bowl. Smash them to bits with the mixing spoon. Or, you could put them in a baggie and whack 'em with a hammer. You do you.
Line the baking sheet with the parchment paper.
Put a 1/4 to 1/2" layer of crushed cookie on the bottom.
Put the rest of the crushed cookie somewhere else because you need that bowl again.
Put the ice cream, lemonade, and food coloring in the bowl, and mix it up. Don't worry if you have a few crumbs of cookie left in there, it's fine.
Once thoroughly mixed, pour atop the cookie bits in the pan. If you want to fancy it up or have extra cookie, you can do multiple layers, but otherwise...
Top the ice cream mixture with the rest of the cookies.
Slice like a lasagna and enjoy!

There's another version of this which I've started making when I don't feel like demolishing the kitchen, called a Cheat Lemon Pie, which is quite good. Here's a video on how to make it. I use chocolate-cookie store-bought crusts.

Reykan #12 · 2 weeks ago · · 8 ·

This guy gets it. The world isn't ending; we're all gonna keep truckin along. If you need to, turn off the damned tv or leave twitter off for a bit(I dont use either, i have podcasts i listen to or youtubers i watch for news/current events, and even those I'll abandon for a week or so to cool down if i start getting agitated).

Sometimes people get so riled up they cant even hear themselves think; we're in an unprecedented era of information availability, and info overload just isn't something we've learned to deal with as a species yet. So take a deep breath, turn it off for the night, and read a fun story. You'll feel better, and you'll likely sleep better too.

Just remember that basics dont change. Sky is blue, puppies are cute, ponies are cute, changelings are cuter. :ajsmug:

Not only that but in a fragile time for many people in a blog about hope and resistance. +1 to your call out.

I have no interest in directly tagging regarding this, but: Fears for the future are not silly things to be poo-poo'd and dismissed with Live Laugh Love platitudes. A friend who mocks your fears is no friend.

Thus said, "dooming" is useless and unproductive, and the sentiment of OP is spot on.

So: clear out your social media (I sure did) of all the people you followed in the election frenzy. Stay in touch with your friends, maybe get them all in a discord group. If you have a discord group, maybe try to start a RPG or co-op campaign together. If you have RL friends, make efforts to see them and stay in touch. Write that fic - be it an agonizing pouring out of grief and fear, or a pleasant escape to a world of pastel colors and happy endings. Maybe a clopfic - if you're embarrassed, make a second account. Control what you can control. Don't be naïve, don't be gaslight into thinking you're dumb for worrying, but understand that worry for what is beyond your control is a waste and distract yourself with either fulfilling projects or simple enjoyment of the moment.

PP, I don't agree that all of us are in it together. Some people suck. But I am with you.

Author Interviewer

No. I will not tend my roses. I will not go along.

I will not walk with them.

is this a edger allen poe referance

Posh #18 · 2 weeks ago · · ·

5827434 what does your telltale heart tell you

wish I could t-up blog posts :pinkiesmile:

*reads comments*

egg salad? :pinkiecrazy:


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