• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike and Starlight. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.

More Blog Posts1281

  • 3 weeks
    Happy (Early) Birthday, Matt Hill

    Tomorrow, January 20, is Matt Hill's birthday. But since tomorrow is also MLK Jr. Day and I wish to be respectful towards the legacy of that day, I'm posting this birthday celebration blog a day early. Matt Hill is of course the talented man who voiced Soarin, who alongside Spitfire is one of the most frequently re-occurring Wonderbolts, and still remains one of the most popular stallions to ship

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  • 3 weeks
    Happy Birthday, Britt McKillip

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  • 4 weeks
    Ranking the MLP Christmas/Holiday Episodes and Specials (From Worst to Best)

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  • 5 weeks
    R.I.P. Britt Allcroft

    What a way to start off 2025! It was made official today that Britt Allcroft, the creator of the original Thomas the Tank Engine series, has died at the age of 81.

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  • 5 weeks
    2024, The Year In Review

    And so 2024 comes to a close. Even if it wasn't as bad for me as the back to back years of 2020 and 2021, it was still basically a disappointment in every sense of the word. And the first year with no new pony content to consume since 2020 really didn't help matters. Still, I managed to get through it (somehow), and kept this account going. So, how did this year pan out overall for me? Well,

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Happy (Early) Birthday, Matt Hill · 5:49pm January 19th

Tomorrow, January 20, is Matt Hill's birthday. But since tomorrow is also MLK Jr. Day and I wish to be respectful towards the legacy of that day, I'm posting this birthday celebration blog a day early. Matt Hill is of course the talented man who voiced Soarin, who alongside Spitfire is one of the most frequently re-occurring Wonderbolts, and still remains one of the most popular stallions to ship with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. He was also the voice of one of the male teenage dragons in "Dragon Quest".

Matt of course has had many voice acting roles before Soarin. Some of his most noticeable include Ed from Ed, Edd, 'n Eddy, Carlos from Transformers Armada, Ironhide from Transformers Energon, Bass in the Mega Man Battle Network cartoon series, and his first ever voice acting role: The titular Captain N from Captain N: The Game Master, a role he starred in when he was still a child.

Happy birthday, Matt. I hope you continue to be blessed with many great voice acting roles for years and years to come.

Comments ( 4 )

57 he is now, yet it's crazy his birthday is a day after Britt McKillip's, who is 23 years younger than him.

Also in the show itself Soarin has eye bag like lines under his eyes, but does that mean he is an older pony compared to the Mane 6 or so?

5826843 I never noticed that detail. It can't be an animation error if he had in every appearance, or else they would've caught it and corrected it. Maybe it's supposed to imply he's exhausted, perhaps to try to tie in with "Rainbow Falls" and "Newbie Dash" suggesting he might be a bit clumsy?

He also voiced Birdie in the TV series adaptation of the Zigby books.

Kira Yamato (Gundam), Tyler (Supernoobs), Bankotsu (Inuyasha)...

Man, he aged well to this day...

But regardless, Happy (Early) Birthday, Matt Hill!

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