Happy Birthday, Britt McKillip · 11:00pm January 18th
Today is Britt McKillip's birthday. She is the talented woman who voiced Princess Cadence beginning with the character's controversial introduction in "A Canterlot Wedding". She was also apparently the voice of Lyra in one of the character's earlier background appearances. In addition, she was the voice of Lola Bunny in Baby Looney Tunes, and I believe she was the singing double for Zoe Trent in the 2012 Littlest Pet Shop cartoon that was done by DHX.
Happy birthday, Britt! I hope you continue to be blessed with many great voice acting roles for years and years to come!
Happy birthday Britt Mckillip.
She also voiced Hannah in the Halloween special: Scary Godmother. I think.
But regardless, Happy Birthday Britt Mckillip!
Happy birthday to Britt!
Also, Britt did not do Zoe Trent's singing on Littlest Pet Shop, that was actually Kylee Epp.
She's also become well-known for voicing Jade Princess Harumi aka The Quiet One in Ninjago!
Happy Birthday Britt Mckillip
She turned 34 yesterday and it was crazy to think back in the day when she first voiced Cadance she would have been 21. She aged very well and looks very pretty.