• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Skeleton Crew Sticks the Landing To Deliver the Most Fun Star Wars in Years · 9:06pm January 16th

If you’ve been reading Unusual Things for a few years, then you know we’re no stranger to bad Sci-Fi, especially coming out of Hollywood, and especially where adaptations are concerned. And yes, there have been several times were I’ve hopped on here to deliver a review of something truly atrocious at the level of “Why did they even bother?” where the audience walks away so insulted at the lack of effort made that you have to wonder what the point of it all even was.

Sands, someone even suggested in the wake of the Borderlands movie that I rerelease the follow-up I wrote to the Halo show with the subtitle “& Borderlands” because it was once again a demonstration that Hollywood just couldn’t figure out this storytelling adaptation thing at all. Which I declined to do, not only because I was deep in work at the moment, but also because I theorized that the fewer people who even knew of the abomination that was the Borderlands movie, the better. Or, as another of my friends put it during an associated discussion (and understand I’m paraphrasing here) ‘I don’t know how bad it is, but when people don’t even bother uploading clips of it to Youtube because there’s just not anything worth uploading, you know it’s a mess.’

Point being, as fans of Sci-Fi there’s a lot of dreck out there. But occasionally there’s also a home run, and I think it’s important to talk about those too. And by my accounts Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is that home run this year.

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