I'm still here, and I got plans. · 5:55am January 16th
Autism is a funny thing because while I love writing and creating stories and worlds, it also makes me feel like it's such a long, difficult and unfun task. I should be all about writing blogs and expressing my thoughts more, but it can just feel so out of the way and the sorts.
Yeah, I'm still around. Alongside the post I made for Jinglemas, I have at least two new pieces in the work. An original stand alone piece, and finally a new chapter for Pinkamena: Redemption(?). I also wanna try to get something done for the Un-happy New Yuri contest, so be on the look out for that. Also another dumb one shot piece in mind but who knows if that'll actually come to fruition or not.
In the meantime, I've been working on some other stuff. I wanna try to increase my work on Youtube, and I made a little teaser for a project of mine. Please consider checking it out.