• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A broke(n) transmare that‘s a poet, artist, and writer.

More Blog Posts477

  • Today
    This May Seem Odd But…

    …Even though I‘ve written a bunch of romance fics, my opinion of February 14th is this: Fuck Valentine‘s Day! I say this because someone I was in love with left me on Valentine‘s Day two years ago. I was devestated and inconsolable for nearly a week. It left me in one of the worst bouts of depression in my life. Honestly, that depression was worse than the one had the year prior when my

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  • Wednesday
    A Bit Long But I Think It‘s Worth It

    In addition to trying to catch up on this backlog, putting new fan fictions out, and working my arse off, I have a much bigger project in the pipeline.

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    6 comments · 23 views
  • Tuesday

    Although it‘s a tad early (four days early to be exact) I decided to add a little something to the lone chapter of Fluff And Stuff, Part 1.

    What is it you say? Welllllll…I really can‘t say. Why? Because it would ruin the surprise, sillies! :pinkiehappy:

    So if you‘re interested in finding out what I added, click on the story tag above to find out.

    3 comments · 33 views
  • Monday
    Remember A Few Weeks Back…

    …When I vented about another user throwing a tantrum because I wouldn‘t help them with a ridiculous crossover? Wellll…said user has LyraAlluse trying to recruit people for that wacky idea.

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    3 comments · 43 views
  • 6 days
    I Lost It…

    …Today at work while we (my co-workers and I) were clearing out an abandoned part of a tent city where I live. Here‘s why:

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    7 comments · 87 views

This Is Out Of Character… · 11:42pm January 13th

…For me to do this, but something has had me quite pissed since yesterday. Another user, who willl not be named to keep them anonymous, asked me to do a monsterous crossover collab. I informed this user that I probably wasn‘t going to be able to do it due to technical issues and my backlog.

Yesterday I was asked again to help with this collab, I again informed them of my backlog, this time in detail:

I‘m sorry but I can‘t because of how backlogged I am. I‘ve got 5 chapters to go on one story, 2 on another one, and 1 on another story. That‘s just the stories that I need to finish.

This is what I got for a reply:

Well that sucks thanks for nothing.

That reply was totally uncalled for and shows just how self-centered this user is.

If I was caught up on everything, I might have considered helping this user. However, my personal stories take priority over any collabs that someone asks me to help them with.

Okay, I‘m done ranting about this subject. See you later.

Comments ( 7 )

Shit, sorry that happened to you.

Lovely. Such entitlement from this other user. Block them and forget they exist.

I know, right? I almost never put people on blast, hence the title of the post.

I‘m already done with them. Honestly, I was extremely close to linking their page and/or tagging them. But after serious consideration, I decided to take the high road and kept them anonymous.

Sorry to hear that kind of response, dude.

I've had similar interactions on DA when asked about art requests, and while not all are like that, some people are just unfortunately entitled little brats.

Also, I can't blame you for not wanting to do that crossover idea, as, while I'm not sure of the context of said crossover, it could be far too much to write for or something.

The "crossover" they wanted to do involved background ponies and two other non-MLP shows, plus the wanted somewhere in the range of 35 to 45 chapters.

I‘ve done one crossover (which was released on 7/25/17 and happens to be one of the stories that I need to finish) and it has been a bitch to come up with material sometimes.

Damn! I don't blame ya for that. I also have similar feelings with animation where I sometimes am unable to come up with or continue previous animation work.

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