• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Tape Deck

Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways? Life's greatest mystery, by far.|Bands you should check out.

More Blog Posts408

  • Sunday
    I accidentally brought this upon myself once (in a way), as previously shared.

    Sixty-One (not 60)

    62 (sixty-two) is the natural number following 61 and preceding 63.

    My...interesting names for these blogs did not make it easy to figure out which one I was on.

    As I had it come to mind, here's this:

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    4 comments · 15 views
  • Saturday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 273


    "Since I Held You", from the 1979 album Candy-O by The Cars.

    20 comments · 42 views
  • Saturday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 272

    The beer can's on the left.

    "Beercan", from the 1994 album Mellow Gold by Beck.

    And yes, that sample you hear is from one of the Care Bears shows.

    11 comments · 21 views
  • Friday
    62 (sixty-two) is the natural number following 61 and preceding 63.

    "Joybringer", a 1973 non-album single by Manfred Mann's Earth Band. It was included in a 1998 reissue of their 1973 album Solar Fire.

    Prominently based on melodies from the fourth movement of Gustav Holst's orchestral suite The Planets called "Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity" (written from 1914-1917).

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    5 comments · 23 views
  • Friday
    Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 271

    Eh, I'll probably read at least one of the Fallout: Equestria stories someday.

    "Nuclear Fusion", from the 2017 album Flying Microtonal Banana by King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard.

    8 comments · 22 views

Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 245 · 7:18pm January 11th

I hate how long it takes to find good pictures sometimes.

"Untitled" (also known as "E-Bow"), from the 2002 album ( ) by Sigur Rós.

E-Bow (short for electronic bow) refers to a deivice that can be used to play guitar strings, used by the bassist on this song.

The EBow uses a pickup in an inductive string driver feedback circuit, including a sensor coil, driver coil and amplifier, to vibrate strings, producing a sound reminiscent of using a bow on the strings.

Comments ( 10 )


Do you like bowling?

I like it enough, I honestly just used that emoji because there apparently isn't one with a baseball bat.

There is not sadly. I appreciate the gesture though, you really are awesome and must care :)

A lovely song. :yay:

Well, I hope you know that your image-picking efforts are appreciated.

This song is strange. Large portions of it feel too slow and monilithic to fit the standard definition of a "song", except for the fact that those selfsame portions have vocals that are too prominent to allow it to fit the standards of "ambience" or "atmospheric"!

Thanks for sharing this, even though it causes me bemusement. :pinkiesmile:

That "E-Bow" sounds like a fun gadget.


And: you're welcome.

While I could argue that it could still be called "ambient" even with the vocals, I certainly do see what you mean.

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