Got my new glasses · 12:48am January 11th
Just picked up my new glasses since I realized I couldn't read with my left eye anymore. These are far more powerful than my last pair, and my god I don't think I've had such a strong reaction to new specs. From the moment I put them on, to now hours later it feels like I'm in a funhouse. I know its going to take time for my brain to adjust to these but its actually a pretty disorienting. It could be my brain is trying to relearn how to use both eyes since my right was compensating for so long.
The important thing: I can read again with my left eye again. its a little fuzzy, but I can make out the letters on my screen at normal size now.
I'm still going to talk to my ophthalmologist about what is the next step in my eye's treatment when i see him next month.
Good luck!
Hope everything works out for you; seems like you've been through a lot for quite some time.
ever since 2023 when I had my eye injury, yeah. =/
Hopefully they are enough. Good luck!
Glad to hear you have some functional glasses (hopefully you adapt to them quickly).
I gotta go back at the end of the month, its been 10 days and they are still having that fun house quality to them.
I did find if I hold them about 12 inches from my face they're nearly perfect.