The Update · 8:11pm January 10th
Hey readers? What’s new?
Alright, I’ll admit that’s a bit of an unfair question. I’m supposed be fielding that question from you, after all. But truth be told, there isn’t that much to report this week insofar as “new” news goes.
Axtara – Magic and Mischief continuing to delight is welcome, naturally, but dare I say kind of the norm at this point? Yes, it picked up some glowing reviews this week, and continues to sell into the eager hands of readers everywhere anxious to discover (perhaps for the first time) the dragon banker’s next outing, but that’s more news in context of “She keeps flying high” rather than “this is something new.”
I’m not complaining, mind. I want her to soar as far and high as she can while waiting for book three to take steps further toward completion. But unless you are, like me, thrilled to see each new review praise Magic and Mischief, it’s not too newsworthy.
But what else is there to talk about? Well, not much. Progress on Armies and Accounting continues, with the book now in the last few stages of the plot. There will probably be some trimming to this last week’s work, which may be a shame because some of the interactions in it are truly delightful, but … only the best can stay. That’s kind of the rule that’s kept Banking and Finance and Magic and Mischief both delighting so many.
However, to make up for the lack of ground-shaking news today, I am prepared to offer a bit of a teaser. Just a name, that’s all. How this name is important to the plot of Armies and Accounting, you’ll have to find out some other time. For now, I’ll just offer it so that everyone can speculate madly. Ready, reader?
Prince Perigeen Edavard Rietillia.
Yeah, I’ll let you decide what that means for Elnacier and Axtara! There’s a little more news after the break.