• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.

More Blog Posts1409

  • Sunday
    Friendship is Card Games: Rise of Cadence

    After they compressed The Storm of Zephyr Heights from five issues to three, I thought that was it for IDW pony comics. I am very happy to be wrong, especially when this newest issue promises to expand on one of the least explored parts of G4’s history. Let’s look into the ascension of love.

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    8 comments · 172 views
  • Saturday
    Hour of Recitation

    I was recently invited to a live reading podcast, and it's now up and running. It was a lot of fun, and now you can all appreciate it. Or put it on in the background while you clean your kitchen. :derpytongue2: Either way, here it is. (And despite the title of both the blog and the podcast, it's only forty minutes.)

    3 comments · 93 views
  • 1 week
    Friendship is Card Games: Verbal Exchange & Alternate Realities

    This contest definitely could have gone better, and it’s a reminder that prompts, like story drafts, are best looked at by someone else before they see print. It’s easy to forget how much of the story never made it out of your head.

    It’s enough to make you wonder what things might be like in alternate realities…

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  • 2 weeks
    Friendship is Card Games: Tell Your Tale, Season 2, Pt. 8

    The WIPs keep coming and they don’t stop coming. There’s lots to show, so let’s hit the ground running.

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  • 3 weeks
    Friendship is Card Games: Two Best Sisters Play, Pt. 4

    This week, we close out 2Snacks’s animated saga of silly alicorns playing silly games. As before, expect considerably higher levels of profanity in the source material than the average for pony content.

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    5 comments · 168 views

Tribute Mage · 12:16am January 10th

Well, this is a pleasant card game-related surprise.

I've been an avid follower of Spice8Rack (a.k.a. Britain's greatest goblinologist) for years, and have been part of their Patreon Discord server for somewhat fewer years, where I've been making heavy use of their custom card design channel, which I'm sure surprises none of you. Some months ago, Spice asked the server members to come up with a design that represents them for an upcoming video. I offered a few, naturally, and didn't hear more about it.

Until now.

Credit to gmoyes for catching this and letting me know, but it turns out Spice chose one of my cards and I am riding this high for the rest of the day at minimum.

Skip to around 14:19 for the unveiling:

Or you can see it here... at a rather small size because that's the resolution Cardmarket uploaded:

Comments ( 10 )

Haha that's so cool! Congratulations :pinkiehappy:

That's so cool dude, happy for you.

I follow cardmarket and so I watched that video this morning and when your name came up there sure was a moment of “wait, you got my fandom in your fandom.”

omg so it WAS you!!! I saw the namedrop on the video and was like NO WAY, and came here to ask :rainbowlaugh:

the world's a napkin

So Amass but different. Nice

Awesome stuff, man! :raritystarry: Lovely to see your card-making creativity make its way to a wider audience!

Awesome, FOME! :pinkiehappy::heart::heart:
This is the first step towards world domination
CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you! "GLOMP"

That's awesome, congrats :ajsmug:

Lol, nice! Always neat to see you get recognized.

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