• Member Since 22nd Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago


A broke(n) transmare that‘s a poet, artist, and writer.

More Blog Posts476

  • Today
    A Bit Long But I Think It‘s Worth It

    In addition to trying to catch up on this backlog, putting new fan fictions out, and working my arse off, I have a much bigger project in the pipeline.

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  • Tuesday

    Although it‘s a tad early (four days early to be exact) I decided to add a little something to the lone chapter of Fluff And Stuff, Part 1.

    What is it you say? Welllllll…I really can‘t say. Why? Because it would ruin the surprise, sillies! :pinkiehappy:

    So if you‘re interested in finding out what I added, click on the story tag above to find out.

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  • Monday
    Remember A Few Weeks Back…

    …When I vented about another user throwing a tantrum because I wouldn‘t help them with a ridiculous crossover? Wellll…said user has LyraAlluse trying to recruit people for that wacky idea.

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  • Friday
    I Lost It…

    …Today at work while we (my co-workers and I) were clearing out an abandoned part of a tent city where I live. Here‘s why:

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  • 1 week
    End Of Year Goal…

    Now, some of y‘all might think I‘m totally bonkers (I know my psychologist thinks I am), but I want to gain enough experience with AI voice cloning to do a reading of A Leg Up. The mane (you see what I did there? :rainbowlaugh:) reason is because I‘ve got so much time put into these stories, I want to be able to share them with everypony in a second format. Since A Leg Up is pretty

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IMPORTANT Public Service Announcement!!! · 4:28am January 6th

My longtime followers know that many of my earlier stories were based on my mental state of mind, specifically my bouts with suicidal thoughts. Due to these thoughts being there, there that's how Dark Sunset, Muted Wubs and the early entries of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles came about.

With all that said, I had an episode today that sent me back to that mindset. I don‘t know what triggered it, mind you, but I remember the feeling I was having vividly. It was the exact same feeling I had back in May 2022 when I was nearly successful in taking my own life then. Realizing what was going on, I quickly got in touch with Crisis Assistance, a.k.a. Suicide Prevention Hotline. It took an hour and a half but I was finally calm enough to hang up.

Not all stories are this quick. I once spent nearly six hours on the phone with Crisis Assistance which resulted in a welfare check by the State Troopers.

So if you have a feeling of hopelessness and think there is no one who cares, remember this: someone out there does care, even if it‘s a stranger on the other end of a telephone call.

Crisis Assistance in the United States:
Call: 1-800-273-8255
Call or text: 988
Text "HOME" to 741741

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